Chapter 6

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Manfred's indigo robes waved gently behind him in a gentle morning breeze as he turned his back on the knights' hall and headed for the castle. He'd left the first draft of his revised code of conduct in the advisory council's chamber so they could review the document and suggest any revisions when time allowed. In the meantime, he had matters to discuss with Kate in order to prepare for the incoming invasion with some measure of synchronization in their respective spheres of influence.

He eventually found his betrothed standing on a grand balcony projecting off an upper-story courtyard. Manfred intentionally scuffed his boot on the ground upon stepping through the stone archway leading onto the platform so as to announce his presence.

Kate turned away from the railing to identify the newcomer, and upon spotting Manfred, she smiled sweetly. He returned the favor as she dashed up to him and threw her arms around his waist. One of Manfred's hands caressed her back while he gently ran the other through her silky brown tresses.

They held close for a while before Kate slowly pulled away enough to look Manfred in the eye. "I see intention in your countenance." she remarked, "What is it?"

"Nothing much. Just wanted to see where your head's at as far as preparing for this battle."

"The unfortunate reality is that I'm unsure what preparations can be done on my part. Defending the capital itself would require a far different battle plan from fighting them off from the castle and knights' hall."

Manfred's forehead wrinkled, and he nodded. "That's a good point. On my part, I'll have to arrange for intensive battlefield weapons training for the fresher faces. I know that much. Speaking of which, have you spoken to Captain Sloan yet?"

"No. We'll meet later this morning so he can give his report."

"Alright. You want me there or...?"

"I'd best say no." Kate said with a grim smile, "Your presence aggravates him."

"Too true. Oh, I was intending to ask...what do you see being the Innutukians' objective? Simply destroy everything, or something else? Because they could also try a siege and occupation. Hold our officials hostage and force a new leadership upon us."

"My gut tells me such measures are too refined and clever for them, but underestimating a foe is dangerous terrain to stand upon."

"I agree. I also think it's unlikely, but we should still prepare for it." Manfred's eyes widened slightly when an idea occurred to him. "We should fortify Pelandor and send all our governing authorities there besides you and your father. That would give them far less teeth when it comes to hostages."

"An excellent proposition." Kate said with pleasure, "Even were they to succeed in taking the castle, we could besiege them in turn. And surely Alconte would come to Monterayne's aid if her very capital were in jeopardy."

"I'll give the word once we're done here. And that's something I can occupy my less experienced knights with instead of putting them in danger they're not prepared for on the battlefield. Escorting lords and ladies and such to Pelandor is a much safer task." Manfred looked up to see Kate was positively beaming at him. "What?"

"Your mind is keen, Manfred, and you don't give yourself enough credit for that. In some ways...sometimes I wonder if you're more fit to lead than I."

"Don't speak nonsense, love." Manfred chided, taking her small hand into his own and kissing it, "In some ways...a lot of ways, really, you've been ruling this land more than your father. Yes, this war has been wearing on all of us, but you've guided Monterayne through it so far marvelously. The men are tired, but their confidence in you hasn't yet been shaken."

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