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"WOOYOUNG!!" "SON" both of them yelled.


Back at home:

Non one pov:

Seonghwa woke up in his room. He looks around and feels something he didnt want to. Like he just lost someone. He stand up and walks to his attach bathroom. After refreshing he walks downstairs only to find all of the others standing around a large coffin like box. As he walks closer, the scene infront of him wants him to just.. run somewhere far and never come back. Inside the box was laying wooyoung lifeless body, all bloody, pale and bruised. Yunho falls on ground watching his baby brother like this. Hoongjoong who has open the box was breathing normally but his eyes were wider than wide. He was trying to digest whats going on. Mingi ties to hold yunho while himself crying looking at wooyoung. Jongho has his hands around his mouth. Shocked to see wooyoung like this. San looks at seonghwa with wide eyes as well tears fall out of his yes, seonghwa slowly walks towards wooyoung. Looking their youngest  like this was a great turn for them all. Seonghwa didnt know.what to do. Hongjoong also looked at seonghwa still holding the lid. Seonghwa without any expression just pick wooyoung shirt which was stained despite being black and roll it up revelaing a red cloth which is probably white but now red because of blood. He slowly undid the cloth and his eyes widen as the cloth fall out of his hands as he watch with fear eyes. Hoongjoong eyes also widen then before if that even possible. Everyone in the room feels like they forget to breath. Despite the deep knife cut, their was also writting written on wooyoung's once glowning, soft and beautiful skin which is now filled with scars, pale and red due to blood. And it says.

"I am here my dear seonghwa. Its just the beginning. Poor thing.. you wanna know why I killed him is...cause hes my biggest weapon to get revenge other than yeosang, as yeosang is just taking revenge on you but this boy he..is my revenge on 'all' others.

Kang Eojeum.

It was looking like this was written with a metal stick which was first burned and then write it down.

After reading it seonghwa cant take it anymore and run. Run outside. Hongjoong also let the lid fall as he run after seonghwa outside.

Back at home. San walks to his best friend. His little brother. His other half. He was this much anger, scared, shocked, stressed that not even tears after those three or four no tear left his eyes. As yunho scream for his brother to be back, mingi was crying himself. He never Imagine that wooyoung, the lovely flower who is too young to be dead was dead now... jongho falls on couch while crying as well. But san...he kept quiet and pick wooyoung lifeless body from the box, he was starting to feel sick. When he saw the box, it was very big and very beautifully pack. He never imagine he will get this as a gift. san walks to front door with wooyoung lifeless pale body. Mingi tries to stop or ask san but he didnt answer and just walk out of house.


Seonghwa just kept running and running didnt know wheres he going. Finally, he reach far from their house and turns around to face hoongjoong who is out of breath.

"What is your relation with wooyoung?" His voice come out cold as he tries to hold back his anger. Why!? Why!? Just why!!?? Oh God.. why? He falls on ground and let tears fall down and he cries.

"Why? He was soo young.." hongjoong walks slowly to seonghwa and hug him letting him cry in his hold.

"Shh..I know..everything's will be fine.." hoongjoong didnt know if he was telling this to himself or to seonghwa. He was himself was done. He didnt know what was going on..or what they are gonna do now..


Yeosang just kept his head resting against the bars of the cage he was forced to be in. He was done with himself as well. The look of wooyoung head falling lifelessly, his all words before he died, his every movement, his smiles , his 'pained smile' before he died, their first meeting. He remembers everything.. he was feeling numb now.. no feeling just numbness. Its like with wooyoung gone. Yeosang also gone. He fells someone pats his head, for once he thinks its wooyoung and looks up but to his luck, it was heium. Who smile at him a little. Yeosang looks back at far. Not wanting to be in this world anymore. He closes his eyes. He sees wooyoung smiling face, his clingyness, clumsiness, smiles, hidding behind him from hyungs, wooyoung's hand made food. He feels a small sincere smile makes his way to his face as he remembers wooyoung. But then when he open his eyes, his reality hit him hard on face. He looks beside him to find wooyoungs dried blood. Tears fall out of his eyes onto.the cage ground near the blood staining the cage.

"Wooyoung..." he place his both hands on his chest and  curl himself in a ball.


Hello! Thats it for today. Iknow.its a short chapter but thats it for today. Hope you guys liking it cause..


903 words.

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