12- Clary Fray

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Alec has a diary of sorts, he writes all his poems and songs there. It's too intimate to let anyone see it but somehow Clary pestered him enough and his diary was now in her hand. To make matters worse she was reading aloud for absolutely no one (it was only him and Clary for God's sake!)

"He fell in love,
In love with a man
But he was told,
Loving a man is a sin.
So he kept it to himself
Till he couldn't anymore.

She fell in love,
In love with a woman
But she was told,
Loving a woman is a sin.
So she kept it to herself
Till she couldn't anymore

The day they were gone
Their families realised,
Their love was not a sin
But it's too late now."

Clary's eyes were shining with such pride that even Alec could see it. Alec wrote this poem when he started being comfortable about his sexuality and he loved the fact that the poem had an open ending.

"This is awesome and I'm sure the others are great too though you won't let me read them," Clary pouted. "You should publish them."

"I'm not publishing anything ever." Alec took his diary back and put it below the cushions where it usually stayed.

Clary just nodded, her eyes full of kindness and understanding.

"Now, I told you all about Magnus," Alec changed the topic.

"Yeah, I'll have to kick his ass but I told you once and I'll tell you again, he must've had a reason. I know him and he's not usually like that." Clary interrupted him.

"Ok ok, I'll think about it. Now tell me why you were crying."

Alec saw Clary's soft green eyes turn sad and he hated it. Clary was like a sister to him and he wanted to put the person who hurt Clary in his place. He also knew who that person was, there was only one person who could hurt her that bad.

" Jace," Alec sighed. "Tell me what he did, I'll kick his ass and knock some sense in that big fat head of his."

Clary gave him a soft sad smile and shook her head, "It's not his fault."

Alec was serious now. Clary was dejected. Whatever Jace did, it was bad. "What did he do?"

"He made some new friends at school, it's not really a nice group. Izzy has tried to make Jace see the reality of his so called friends but he wouldn't listen."

"Izzy knows?" Alec was hurt now. Izzy never spoke a word about this to him.

Clary gave a minute nod, "Yeah, she didn't tell you because I told her not to. I didn't think it would get this bad."

"What happened Clary? Please tell me."

"He became friends with this guy named Jonathan Morgenstern in school. Jace changed after that. He missed my mom's art show, he missed the show when my art was first put up, he missed dinner with my family one weekend, he never planned any date and always turned me down when I tried to plan one."

Alec was slowly getting angry. He couldn't make it to the art show where Clary's art was displayed for the first time as he couldn't get a day off from work. But he had felt so bad that he had gone to her house after work with her favourite chocolates and Jace, her boyfriend didn't even attend such an important event in her life. Magnus would never do that, something in Alec was sure of that

Alec quickly shook that thought out of his head, now was not the time to think about the flamboyant author. Instead he raised an eyebrow to give Clary the questioning look. He knew this was not it, Clary wouldn't be this downcast just from those incidents, something bigger has happened.

"He broke up with me." Clary's voice was almost a whisper but Alec caught it nonetheless.

"What? You should've said that earlier. Hell, you shouldn't have let me complain about Magnus, which is such a small thing compared to whatever you said. Clary, for once you should've thought about yourself before caring for others first." Alec's voice started with a shout but the last line was spoken with softness and affection, something which he doesn't show too often.

But then he stood up, anger written all over his face and in a dangerously low voice said,"I'm going to kill him. He's going to beg for forgiveness."

Immediately Clary pulled his hand and made him drop back on the sofa. She was scared out of her mind, Alec's reaction was not good. Alec protected his loved ones fiercely and no one could hurt the people he cared for. He didn't care if the person was another loved one, he would teach them such a lesson that they wouldn't even think of hurting a fly after that.

Once Izzy had worn Jace's varsity jacket without telling him and she somehow ruined it. Jace was badly hurt, he treasured that jacket. It was an item that made Jace feel like he was someone that mattered, that he was capable of something. But Jace had just ignored Izzy for a week before eventually forgiving her. Alec on the other hand had given Izzy a huge scolding and then gave her the cold shoulder for a month. He wouldn't talk to her, he wouldn't even look at her and he stayed clear of her room. Whenever their parents weren't home and Alec would cook, he wouldn't cook for her. It was the worst month of Izzy's life, Clary can gurantee that.

In the end, Izzy had gone to Alec with tears in her eyes, her favourite dress(which she had bought with the money that she had earned from her summer job) and her bracelet (that she wore everyday) in a bag and had told him to sell them. Alec hadn't cracked, instead he took the bag and went away. Only he didn't sell them, he just kept the bag in his closet. It took a week more for Alec to forgive Izzy. He went to her room, kept the bag with her dress and bracelet on the bed and hugged Izzy. Clary was there when it happened and she remembers it like yesterday.

"I missed you." Alec had simply said.

Izzy was ugly crying by that time and she was squeezing Alec with such force that Clary was surprised Alec was still breathing. "I'm sorry big bro. I'll never ever do such a thing anymore. Please don't ignore me, I missed you too much."

"It wasn't easy for me either,Iz. But you needed to learn the lesson." Alec proceeded to kiss her forehead and murmured a 'I love you' against her forehead.

Izzy had kept her word. Now, she always asks before borrowing something no matter how insignificant the thing might be and takes extremely good care of the borrowed item

Alec looked at Clary, anger dissipating a little upon seeing her scared expression. "What happened?"

"I don't want you to do anything you'll regret. If you want to talk to Jace, talk to him with a cool mind please. And remember it's not his fault. Jonathan has brainwashed him."

Alec nodded and took a deep breath. "I'll be back. Just let me go get some more ice-cream. Put on those sad movies you love to watch."

It was safe to say that they spent the entire day watching movies which makes them cry and eating ice-cream. But through all of it Alec's mind was still on his brother and how he could make Jace understand what a big blunder he has done.

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