15 - Who's At The Door

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Alec reached his place in record time and immediately got to work. He placed a blanket on the couch, took the tubs of ice cream he had bought on the coffee table and ordered the greasiest fries and burger from the terrible but cheap fast food joint near his place along with two large pizzas. He played The Fault in Our Stars and dimmed the lights.

He kept the sketchbook and art supplies he had bought for Clary on his way, in one of the many drawers present in the apartment. He'll give them to her after she has calmed down. He then proceeded to put his phone on silent. After everything he calmly waited for Clary. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself, he couldn't get angry at Jace just yet. He needed Clary to calm down first and then he'll take action.

It was almost twenty minutes later when the bell rang for the second time, the first time being the delivery boy. He was met with Magnus holding up a devastated Clary. Her hair was all over the place and she was wearing her pajamas. He dared to look down at her feet to see that she was only wearing a slipper. Alec felt his own heart break.

"Hey." He looked at Magnus and asked softly, "What are you doing here?"

"I was heading home when I saw her trying to cross the road without looking at the traffic even once, so I brought her here."

"Thank you."

Clary hadn't spoken a word throughout, she didn't even look up. She suddenly freed herself from Magnus, went in and plopped down on the couch. She kept the sketchbook that was in her hand on the coffee table and wrapped herself in the blanket with a tub of ice cream.

Magnus and Alec both watched her stuff her face with ice cream while more tears rolled down her cheek.

Finally, Alec turned back towards Magnus. "Thank you for bringing her here."

"It's no big deal. I'll go now, we'll see each other later."

Magnus was about to leave when suddenly Clary spoke up, "Why are you leaving? I thought you'd stay."

Magnus stopped in his track and turned back around, "It's ok, biscuit. I don't want to impose on anything."

"But you wouldn't be imposing. I don't mind you being here and I know you two were supposed to go on a date but I ruined it. So stay."

"Hey," it was Alec who spoke up, his voice soft but firm. "You didn't ruin anything, you understand. We can go on the date some other day, it's nothing more important than your well being. And if you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable then tell us, if you are not comfortable with Magnus being here, he wouldn't be here. All you need to do is say the word, ok? None of us would mind it."

"I'm comfortable with him being here. It really doesn't make that much of a difference." Clary's voice was broken but it was understandable.

Both men nodded and Alec closed the door after letting Magnus in. The older man took of his coat and seated himself on the other side of the couch, opposite to where Clary was sitting. Alec also went in and settled down between Clary and Magnus. He took the extra blanket and spread it over Magnus and himself.

After half an hour Alec finally turned towards Clary, "So, you need to talk it out?"

Clary shook her head and Alec cleared his throat in warning. She looked at him, new tears forming in her eyes.

Alec surged forward and wrapped her in a tight hug. A few minutes in he felt another set of arms closing in around them.

Cracking his eyes open he looked behind at Magnus and smiled. The author smiled back, eyes full of understanding.

"So," Alec prompted again.

Clary finally broke, "It was a normal day. I was in my room working on this new piece when he came. He initially wanted to get back together, said he made a mistake. When I refused to bend to his will he threw all the sketchbooks at me and just destroyed them in front of my eyes. He also ruined the family portrait I drew for you guys."

"He what!" Alec saw red. He loved that portrait, it was his favourite.

Clary gave him a small smile, the first smile since she arrived. It was a victory, a small one but a victory nonetheless. "I'll draw you another one."

"Refrain from including Jace in that."

"Alec, you don't mean that"

"Yes, I do"

"Alright, I'll do what I see fit." Alec knew she wouldn't exclude Jace but he let it pass. "I have to buy a new sketchbook first."

Noting how the sadness was starting to creep in again, Alec got up and went to fetch the sketchbooks he had bought.

Coming back to a very confused Clary, and a somewhat amused Magnus, he set the supplies on the coffee table.

Like a child on Christmas, Clary grabbed the bag. No matter what happens, give her a gift and she'll shine with joy, even if the gift is terrible.

Peeking in she let out an embarrassing squeal, well it was embarrassing for Alec but apparently not for Clary. Immediately after she wrapped him in a hug so tight that he thought he would die of suffocation. Luckily she let go pretty soon.

She touched the sketchbooks and other art supplies like they were gold. Alec noticed new tears in her eyes. He knew tears of joy when he sees them but he doesn't like it when Clary cries.

Clary is like a sister to him and he'll make sure Jace understands what happens when someone messes with his family.

After a litany of 'thank you's from Clary, they get back to watching the movie while stuffing their face with whatever is nearby.

The peace in the apartment was once more interrupted by the ringing of the bell.

"Who's at the door?" Clary asked irritatedly.

"You have to get up and check." Alec answered, not moving an inch.

"You both are impossible, I'll go check." Magnus finally got up and made his way to the door.

"Thank you"

"You're the best"

Alec and Clary spoke simultaneously and Magnus just shook his head in mock disappointment, failing to hide his fondness.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"Who the hell are you, Clary's new boy toy?"

Both Alec and Clary's head snapped up at the voice and the words.

On the other side of the door stood none other than Jace Wayland.

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