10- Hurt

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They shared a hotdog and walked their usual path in the park. The usual path consisted if the picnic area, children's area and then sitting by the pond. Alec enjoyed these walks. It was a nice way to get fresh air and he had Magnus as his company. It was a win-win situation for him.

They were walking hand in hand. Alec didn't mind the silence either. It was comfortable and he didn't feel the need to say anything so he stayed quiet. It was a wonderful feeling to experience this type of silence with anyone.

"So, is Isabelle still dating that guy you don't like. What was his name again?" Magnus thought for a moment before remembering the name, "Ah, Salmon!"

"Simon. And yeah she is" Alec replied shortly. Usually he would love to go on about a whole story but he didn't feel like it today.

The silence had returned but it wasn't calming anymore. Alec's mind was not relaxed. He had been talking about his siblings and his friends with Magnus for the whole week that they've known each other. Magnus knew almost everything about him and knew about everyone in his life. Well, he has not told him about his parents and Max but they've only known each other a week and has not reached that stage yet.

But the fact remained that he knew nothing about Magnus. He knew Magnus liked fashion and was obsessed with his hair but whoever observed the author for more than two minutes would know that. All he knew about his present company was that he was an author who loved to dress up and was friends with Ragnor and Raphael. The only other fact that he knew about the guy was that he wasn't a morning person as all the texts received from him in the morning were grumpy. But Alec thought that he should know more about Magnus. So he tried.

"What were you and Raphael talking about in the shop?"

"Oh, that. Ragnor and Cat had a fight." Magnus again changed the subject after that. "So tell me, why do you hate this Solomon so much?"

Alec didn't answer. He wanted to ask Magnus who Cat was but he felt stupid. From the tone of his voice it was clear that she was close to Magnus but Alec hasn't heard that name ever before. And Magnus' second question reminded him of the reason why.

Whenever Alec would ask Magnus something about him, the author would give a short one line answer and divert the conversation towards Alec once again. Alec realised that he doesn't know Magnus at all.

"Alec, you ok?" Concern was clear in Magnus' voice but Alec couldn't care less. Alec's insecurities got the best of him like it always does.

"You never tell me about yourself," he tried once more and decided right there and then that this would be Magnus' last chance to open up. If the older man doesn't then Alec would go away.

"I like hearing you talk." Magnus shrugged like it was no big deal. But it was a big deal for Alec.

"No."Alec's voice was definitive. He had made up his mind and however much it hurt he would have to go through it if only to save himself from a worse pain in the future." You know everything about me but I don't know anything about you. Hell! I don't even know who Cat is and she seemed quite important to you. It's like I'm standing here naked in front of you while you're fully armed and clothed. I feel like you're waiting with a dagger in hand and waiting for the right time to stab it in my weakest spot when I'm fully stripped bare. " Alec knew his words hurt but he couldn't stop. He took a huge breath and continued," It's like I'm the one doing all the work and you're just standing there and enjoying the show. I'm here pouring my heart out and you're just standing there whiskey in hand and watching me. I want to know you Magnus but you don't want me to."

"Alec.." Magnus started. His expression was pained and his voice was a whisper.

But Alec couldn't see anything through this fog of hurt that was surrounding him. So he didn't let the author finish. "I can't do this anymore, Magnus. I'll get out of your hair since I was nothing more than a play thing for you. You won't ever see me again."

Alec started running. He heard Magnus shout his name behind him but he didn't stop, he just kept on running with tears in his eyes.

He ran all the way to his apartment and when he reached he saw Clary standing there with tears in her eyes not unlike his own.

Alec forgot all about his own tears. He quickly wiped them off although he was sure Clary had seen them by the straightening of her posture. "What happened?" He was genuinely worried.

"Nuh-uh. You tell me what's wrong?" Clary counter questioned.

Alec just chuckled, something he thought he wouldn't do for quite sometime and opened his door. Once they were inside he turned towards Clary, "I'll bring the blankets and ice-cream and you choose the movie."

Clary nodded and got to work. They'll talk and cry together if needed while cuddling under a blanket with two tubs of ice-cream on their lap and a movie playing.

Sorry. But I gave you guys some Clalec moment to make for it.

Please vote if you liked it and I welcome all constructive criticism (just be kind please) and all comments are welcome. Thanks for reading it.

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