14 - What's Wrong?

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When they finally broke apart Magnus had a smile on his face and his heart was soaring. He didn't lose Alec! That's the only thing he can think of, Alec is sitting right in front of him, he finally kissed Alec, Alec is his boyfriend, Alec has consumed all his thoughts. He can't think anything that's not Alec and honestly he doesn't want to.

"Do you want to go to the park?" Magnus asked, still riding the high he got from the kiss.

"I do have work, you know. I've been given enough days off, I need to work seriously now. This is not a playhouse."

"I'll ask Ragnor to give you a day off. Come on Alexander, it's no big deal."

Magnus noticed how Alec's face got stern again and he knew he messed up again.

"It's still Alec and no Magnus, it is a big deal. I've been given quite a good number of days off, I can't take more. I don't know where you work or what you do aside from being an author but I need to actually work for a paycheck. And believe it or not, I need that paycheck because I don't have my parents feeding me money."

Magnus stared at Alec, the high he was feeling from before gone. He was harshly reminded of the fact that he has  not yet gained Alec's full trust, he was just on the right road to do so and he can't deviate so soon.

"I'm sorry, Alec. If you're still up for it, I can pick you up after work." Magnus' voice was full of hesitation and Alec must have sensed it as his cold exterior disappeared and he gave the older man a soft smile.

"Yeah sure. I get off at six today."

"I'll be here at 5:30, I need to talk to Ragnor anyways."

Alec nodded and with a wave of his hand moved away, most likely to get back to work. Magnus appreciated Alec's determination to work although he didn't understand the boy's hostility towards his parents.


Alec felt guilty for snapping at Magnus like that but he couldn't help it. The kiss was like the first bloom of spring but Magnus' words were like a bucket of ice cold water. He knew that Ragnor, being the ridiculously kind man that he is, would give him the same paycheck even if he worked for just two days but Alec couldn't do that. He enjoyed doing his job so why wouldn't he do it? He can always go out with Magnus after work or when he had a day off.

"So you two solved whatever silly problem you had." Alec jumped hearing Ragnor's voice. When did he approach him?

"Yeah, he's coming later," Alec replied after gaining a bit of composure.

"Good, you're good for him. But if you hurt him your body will not be found. I don't care that you're my employee." And then Ragnor walked away.

Alec stared at Ragnor's retreating back confused as to what just happened. Did he just get the shovel talk? He shook his head and got back to work, a small smile playing on his lips.

He was so lost in his work that he didn't notice the time. Well atleast not until the door opened and glitter walked in,because Magnus had glitter in his hair, jacket, pants, and shoes. He still managed to pull it off though, and Alec still managed to stare at him with his jaw hanging on the floor.

Magnus was wearing a red shirt with only the last two buttons done and a black jacket with glitter at the collar and lapels thrown over it. His black pants looked like they have been painted on. There were chains hanging from his pants and a black glitter star peeked through the chains. His shoes were Chelsea boots covered with red glitter. He had red highlights in his hair and of course there was glitter. He looked phenomenal and Alec felt underdressed. He guessed he'll always feel underdressed around Magnus.

"Hey, Alec."

Alec snapped out of the images that were suddenly in his mind and continued to stare at Magnus, his vocabulary was all of a sudden empty.

"Alexander," Magnus' voice was cautious. But oh! The things that it did to Alec, hearing his full name from Magnus when he looked that sinful.

Suddenly it registered, he hasn't uttered  a word since Magnus entered and he looked scared now. Alec couldn't have that, he should speak.

"Nice outfit man." As soon as the words were out he cringed, hard. Did he really just say that? Who was he, Jace? That sounded like something Jace would say, not him. No, he would never say anything like that. But he did.

Suddenly he heard a beautiful sound and looked up to see Magnus laughing. He has heard him laugh before but he never truly realised how melodious it was. He wanted to hear Magnus laugh forever. He wanted to make Magnus laugh like that everyday. Maybe it was too soon for these thoughts but he couldn't help it. It was the best damn sound in the world and he'll do anything to hear it again and again.

"Thanks man," Magnus breathed out through the laughter and though the laughter was beautiful, the words weren't. Alec cringed once more.


"Oh, don't worry. I quite enjoyed it." Magnus paused with an evil grin and Alec prepared himself. "Man."

Oh my god! What has he done! Magnus was never going to leave it. He hated it, why does he have to be so awkward. This is why you think before you speak.

He was about to say something when his phone rang. He checked the caller ID to see it was Clary. Alec frowned, Clary never called unless it was an emergency. She usually preferred texting, much like Alec himself. He excused himself and answered.

"Hey Clary, what's wrong?"

"Can," Clary was sobbing. She was crying so hard that her words were muffled and Alec couldn't make out anything.

"Hey, just take a deep breath and tell me what's going on." Alec was using his big brother voice and he knew it. He also knew that the voice never failed to calm Clary down. He heard her take deep breaths and the crying slowly stopped. "Ok, now tell me what happened."

"Jace, he...he came to my place today with the sketchbook I had left at his room." Clary was about to start crying again. Alec was going to stop her but she spoke again, "All of the paintings were ruined."

And Alec would really kill Jace if he was anywhere near him right now. "Come to my place right now, I'm not hearing any excuse."

Alec didn't wait to hear Clary's response, he knew she would be there. He cut the call and went back to see everyone looking at him with questioning eyes. He was suddenly reminded of the fact that Magnus knew Clary, but he couldn't bring him along. This was about Clary and he was sure she wanted to keep it private. He didn't know how Clary would react if she saw Magnus there.

So with great difficulty Alec met Magnus' eyes and said, "I'm sorry."

"What happened?"

"It was Clary. Something happened and she needs me now, I have to go. I'm really sorry. We'll reschedule I promise."

"It's fine, go be an awesome friend." Magnus looked disappointed and it was getting increasingly tougher for Alec to leave.

But he had to, Clary needed him. He was going to leave but instead he reached for Magnus and pulled him close. He cupped his cheeks and leaned forward.

Their lips met slowly and softly. Alec's lips moved on Magnus' with no rhythm but it was beautiful nonetheless. It didn't escalate from a soft brush of lips but it had to be enough for the time being. Alec pulled away and wrapped his arms around Magnus with his head resting on the author's shoulder. "I'm sorry," he whispered once more.

Magnus pulled away and shook his head. He put his finger on Alec's lips not quite touching it but stopping all of Alec's words quite effectively. "Don't be sorry, Clary needs her big brother because that's what you are to her. So go do what you do, we'll go out some other time. I'm not going anywhere."

Alec nodded and ran towards his apartment. He has to get to Clary.

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