9- Eyes

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Alec was lying in bed trying to find a colour to define Magnus' eyes. It was ridiculous really. He knew Jace has gold eyes, Izzy's eyes are a dark shade of brown which looks black from afar and Max has beautiful grey eyes. He even knew Aline had brown eyes and Helen had  beautiful blue-green eyes which looked almost like the ocean and it was the same as all her siblings eyes except Mark who had heterochromia resulting in one of his eyes being gold.

He knew all these but he couldn't find words to describe Magnus' eyes. People would probably describe it as yellow-gold or yellow-green but Alec found that those descriptions didn't do the mesmerising eyes any justice. They were somewhere between yellow and gold but they had these green and brown swirls in them. He honestly thought that the best comparison would be with that of a cat. Those eyes looked oddly feline to him. He thought he would just think of them as cat eyes.

Coming to a somewhat satisfying conclusion he looked at the clock and saw that he had successfully spent an hour thinking about his favourite author's (with whom he went on a date!!) eyes. Saying he was bored was an understatement. It was a week after his date with Magnus and they have been texting a lot ever since. Alec also had worked at the bookshop a lot so Ragnor had decided that Alec needed a break (Alec didn't think so but was not given an option) and had warned him that he would be fired of he came to work today.

He had obviously thought of going to the shop in the guise of reading books and not actually working but had quickly discarded that idea when he remembered that Ragnor would ask Raphael (he always remembered the names of those who hurt him) to cover for him. He also had thought of inviting his siblings over but at the last minute remembered that they had school and their exams were fast approaching.

So with nothing to do he finally got out of bed at noon and cooked himself lunch which meant that he lazily made a sandwich. He sat on the sofa to eat it and soon found himself lost in his thoughts again. His carefully crafted thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of his phone just when he was trying to figure out Magnus' preferred breakfast.

He picked up his phone to check the caller ID only to see Magnus' name flashing. Before he could stop himself, he found himself smiling wide. Suddenly he was glad that his siblings were not here.

"Hey" Alec answered the phone.

"Hi, Alexander. I was wondering of you were free today. Ragnor told me you had a day off."

Alec's smile transformed into a grin when he heard Magnus say his full name. He didn't allow anyone to call him 'Alexander' as it sounded too formal and reminded him of his parents but whenever Magnus says his name a warmth spreads over him. He didn't realise that Magnus had asked him something and that he was waiting for Alec's answer.

"Alec, you there?"

That seemed to bring Alec out of his thoughts. "Yeah, sorry. Umm what.... What did you say?"

"I asked if you were free today. I heard that you had today off." Magnus chuckled.

"Yeah...umm...I'm free. Why?"

"Oh, nothing special. I was just thinking if you would be up for another walk in the park today."

Walks in the park were becoming their thing. After their first date they had met on the weekend and  had walked in the park again. Alec had again talked about his siblings. It seemed that he had a lot to say about his siblings.

"Yeah sure. "

"Good, meet me in an hour." Magnus sounded way too cheerful than one should at the aspect of hanging out with him, Alec thought but smiled at the excitement nonetheless.

Alec forgot about Raphael and took a quick shower and changed to some decent clothes. By decent, he meant his newest pair of jeans(which was six months old) and a sweater which had only one hole and it was near the hem so it didn't look too bad. Alec wore his combat boots and arrived at the bookshop half an hour early.

He felt more than he saw Raphael's annoyed glare. But surprisingly when he looked up he was met with an apologetic but still somehow annoyed half smile and a nod. He nodded back knowing that it's the best apology he could get from Raphael and also he could guess hiw rarely the boy apologised. Alec guessed Ragnor must have told the boy and the boy looked genuinely sorry even with his eternal annoyed expression. So he finally brushed their previous encounter off his shoulder.

He went to the corner where Magnus' books are kept and was immediately in Ragnor's line of vision. If looks could kill Alec would be long gone by now.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ragnor grumbled. "I swear you boys just can't follow any instructions."

Ragnor was irritated to say the least. Alec quickly jumped into action (which was very much needed if he wanted to live) and explained himself, "Ragnor, I am not here to work, I am here to read. I am a costumer, boss. Not an employer."

Ragnor hated to be called 'boss' and Alec knew that. So the older man just threw the younger an unimpressed look and went away. With that Alec went to the nearest seat and made himself comfortable with one of Magnus' book in his hand.

Alec got so lost in his reading that he didn't realise that almost 40 minutes had passed. He only looked up when he heard a very familiar voice talk with Raphael.

"Ragnor did what?" came the amused voice Alec could recognise anywhere.

But he didn't have time to appreciate the voice. He immediately got up and kept the book he was reading back in its place. He didn't need to give Magnus'  ego a boost by letting him known that Alec was reading his book.

Alec walked to the front desk and slowly crept up to Magnus. When he reached the man Alec touched the author's hair. It was a very light touch which did absolutely nothing to the screaming man's hair. Alec was also pretty sure he didn't really deserve the angry glare he received. He did deserve the chuckle which he got from Ragnor and Raphael - both of whom never laughs - for his immense courage.

"Alexander! How dare you perform such an act of betrayal. You'll face my wrath soon enough. My precious hair, oh my precious hair!"

That was all Alec needed to break out in laughter. He had tears developing near his eyes and he just couldn't stop laughing. Not even when his stomach was hurting and he was having difficulty breathing.

He didn't seem to realise that the angry and betrayed look on the other's face was replaced by a soft expression. Alec didn't notice the look the man gave him. The look of complete infatuation. If one didn't know better one would call that look love. But it was still too soon for that.

Alec seemed to finally look up and all his laughter died in his throat when he saw the look on Magnus' face. He stared into those eyes, the same eyes he had spent all morning trying to describe and he knew that he would never find a good enough word for them. 'Cause they were all he had ever wanted. He knew that if those eyes were the last thing he saw in his life then he would die a happy man. His breathing was faster now and the rise and fall of his chest was mire pronounced amd rapid. He couldn't look away from those eyes. He swallowed and took a step forward.

A cough was heard from the corner.

"Get out of here you two. You're making this way more sappy than it has to be." Ragnor kicked them out.

Both Alec and Magnus were laughing with their hands intertwined on their  way out and also during the walk to the park.

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