13- Not All Love Are True

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Alec went to work the next day because he was not going to sit around and mope over something so petty. He knew that he could run into Magnus at the shop but he would just have to risk it. He had thought of resigning just to avoid Magnus but Clary had talked him out of it and he was grateful for that. He loved his job and didn't know what he would do if he lost it.

When he entered the store, Raphael was at the front desk so he went over there.

"Hey, what are you doing here, today?"

"Lightwood, Ragnor thought you wouldn't come today." Raphael never stopped calling him 'Lightwood' but the insulting tone that he had first used was no longer there. Now it was just his way of addressing Alec. Alec really didn't have a say in it, he had told Raphael to call him by his name several times but the annoyed boy would only get more annoyed and not listen.

"Why wouldn't I come? I got yesterday off, I was supposed to come to work today." Alec frowned but his question was only answered by a simple shrug from Raphael and Alec knew he wouldn't get an answer and that the conversation was over.

He went in search of Ragnor next, because now what will he do?

He found Ragnor in the back room, "Ragnor, Raphael is at the front desk."

"Yeah, I thought you wouldn't come."

"Why wouldn't I come? I work here"

"Yeah, yeah." Ragnor waved the question off and Alec wondered why no one would answer such a simple question. "I'm guessing you're here to ask me what you'll do now."

Alec nodded but quickly realised that Ragnor hasn't looked at him even once during the whole conversation so wouldn't be able to see his nod, "Yes, that was my intention."

"Well, since it seems like you can't take a break, do my job and I'll go take another break." And then Ragnor walked out the door. Dumbfounded, Alec got to work.

It was almost time for lunch when Alec finished his work. He walked out the door and into the main store. The first thing that he saw was a glitter jacket and spiked hair with blue highlights which could only belong to one person. He was talking with Raphael leaning on the front desk, looking dashing yet his expression was that of guilt.

Alec was just out of sight and luckily neither of them seemed to notice him as he slowly made his way to the extreme back of the store. When he was at a safe distance from them he looked at the books near him and cursed his feet for taking him right where Magnus' books are kept. Nevertheless he took out the author's most recent book 'Not All Love are True'. Alec has already read it once and he knows his eyes will tear up halfway through but he still sits down to read it.

In the book, the protagonist Marcus fell in love with Callie, a beautiful girl he met at a bar. He fell hard and fast but she didn't, for her it was all a game of pretend. She controlled him from the start, she didn't allow him to talk to his friends, he couldn't speak to anyone she deemed beautiful, he couldn't spend any money without asking her. His friends tried to warn him but he was blinded by love. In his eyes, she could do no wrong.

A year later, they had moved in together and Callie not returning at night became a frequent occurrence. When Marcus had questioned her she simply admitted that she never truly loved him and had just used him for the riches he had inherited from his father. She had left him there all shattered and his faith in love broken. The story ended there and Alec hoped someone would show Marcus true love even if he himself didn't know it.


After having sassed him, Raphael finally let him know that Alec was here. Magnus quickly ended the conversation and went to find Alec. He would apologise today and tell Alec whatever he wanted to know.

After having searched almost the whole store, Magnus couldn't find him. Only one area was left and that was where Magnus went with little hopes. There was no way Alec would be near Magnus' books. Little did the author know, he was in for a surprise.

He found Alec, sitting on an uncomfortable looking chair with his head in Magnus' newest book, eyes shining. Magnus was pleasantly surprised to find him there, re-reading one of his books; especially the one which made Alec cry.

Magnus knew Alec felt sorry for Marcus but at that moment Magnus hoped with all his heart that Alec would also truly understand Marcus.

So with his mind made up, he made his presence known. Alec looked up and Magnus saw the immediate effect seeing him had on the boy who, in Magnus' totally unbiased opinion, was perfection. But instead of happiness, this time Magnus saw Alec's face harden and close up on seeing him. Alec's blue eyes which usually showed such great emotions showed none at all.

"What do you need, Sir?" Alec asked, like he would ask a costumer.

It saddened Magnus but he knew he deserved it. So with vulnerability clear in his eyes he said the one thing he should've said before, "I'm sorry for not trusting you, Alexander."

"It's Alec."

Magnus felt a pang in his heart. He felt more deeply for this boy than he had ever felt for anyone ever and it had only been a week. Magnus was screwed!

"I'm sorry, Alec," Magnus rectified.

Alec raised an eyebrow at him, clearly waiting for an explanation.

Magnus sighed and gestured to the seat beside Alec asking if he can sit there. Upon Alec's nod Magnus took his seat and finally started giving Alec the explanation he was waiting for. "The book you were reading, do you like it?"

With a confused expression Alec nodded. It was not surprising that he didn't understand Magnus' implications as they were extremely vague.

"It's sad and cruel. Marcus didn't deserve Callie's cruelty." Alec voiced his opinion.

"Yes, maybe you are right. I don't know what I deserve but Camille was surely not nice."

Alec was even more confused now, they were talking about the book weren't they? What does that have to do with this Camille?

Magnus made himself clearer, "The book is mostly based on a very true experience. I'm Marcus and Camille is Callie."

Alec's face instantly held sorrow for Magnus and unable to help himself he reached out for Magnus' hand.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. I understand why you were mistrustful, but if you can't trust me when I say I'm not like Camille then I'm sorry but you'll have to let me go."

"No, Alec no. I never even thought you were like Camille," Magnus hastily assured him taking the offered hand in his own. "I knew you weren't from the first time I met you. Ragnor always spoke so highly of you and he is a great judge of character."

Alec nodded, encouraging Magnus to go on.

Magnus took a deep breath and continued, "Me not trusting you is completely on me. It's my fault and I know it. My brain knew you were not Camille but she scarred my heart and it was scared to trust someone again. But now, after almost losing you without even having you, my heart has learned it's lesson."

Alec's face was slowly opening up as the conversation progressed and now his face showed every emotion, his heart was once more on his sleeve. Magnus smiled softly at that and said what he wanted to say all along," I'll learn to trust you, I'll tell you everything you want to hear, I'll give you anything you may want when the time comes but right now, I'd like you to stay, as my boyfriend."

Alec believed Magnus' words. Having read the book, he could easily imagine how hard it must be for the author to trust him, to put his heart on the line again. It was natural because the only time the older man had put his heart on the line, it was cruelly pushed off and broken.

So Alec smiled and nodded,"I'd like that." His voice was soft and kind and inviting.

Magnus' face broke out into a huge grin and before any of them could really register what was happening, their lips connected. It was their first kiss and both would agree on the fact that it was perfect.

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