Chapter 3: Heartbeats...

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28 weeks later...

Elena's POV

Dear Diary,

I caught Damon working on the nursery today. Well he didn't see me and he was only trying to put the crib together. He suggested earlier that day when he came home with it that because we don't want to know what the baby is going to be that we should wait to paint the walls.

"Maybe Alaric and Jo could come help us." I'd told him

"Sure they can change the baby's diapers and you and I can... work." he said kissing me, pulling away I winked, teasing him.

"We have to paint the baby's room Damon, "I don't want our kid sleeping in the old office," I walked over to the wall and ran my fingers lightly over it "with the paint peeling off the walls."

"Okay, okay." he said laughing, "Are you sure you don't want to know what it's going to be?" I'd told him I had been thinking about it "and?" He asked,

"I gotta know" I said smiling Damon grinned at me as he hug me and kissing me before beating down to kiss my belly.

"I can't wait to marry you" I told him.

"I can't believe you said yes." He said with a degree of honesty that made me feel pretty guilty.

"We've been through so much." I said locking my eyes to his, "I'm ready."

"Hey." Damon said pulling me away from my writing, "I got the baby's bed put together." He told me, the look satisfaction and accomplishment in his eyes was easy to see.

"That's great." I said excited but suddenly exhausted, "Can I see it?"


Damon's POV

"We could paint it white just so it doesn't look so old fashioned."

"You're a 174 year old vampire..." "You calling me old?"I teased her, my back was up against the bedroom door blocking her way. "All I'm saying is that old fashioned isn't all bad." She laughed as she tried only half heartedly to get past me. I waited for her response as she studied the crib once I opened the door and let her in, the room was empty except for the crib, a couple paint buckets, some brushes and plastic sheeting I'd laid down just in case we decided on a paint color for the walls.

"What do you think?"

"I love it Damon, it looks great." I watched as she walked over the the paint buckets opening the one labeled Slipper Satin, we'd planned on most of the furniture having a shade of white called so having the walls kind of match wouldn't be too bad, Jo and Alaric had painted their kitchen the same way and Elena had mentioned she liked it, it was simple. She continued to pick up a brush and dip the end into the paint lightly.

We'd been painting the crib for about a half an hour when Elena looked at me, I'd thought she wanted to ask or tell me something but I soon realized that not only was her nose bleeding but she was also very pale. I vamped over just as she began to fall catching her and lowering her slowly to the ground, laying her over me and holding her.

"Elena, Elena can you hear me?" After she didn't response I grabbed her phone out of her pocket and called Jo.

"Hi Elena, how's it-" "Jo it's Damon." I said as calmly as possible.

"Damon, is Elena alright?" Jo asked "Um, I'm not exactly sure about that. We're at the house painting and she just passed out, her nose is bleeding to." I told her as I looked to see how bad the bleeding was.

"Okay Damon I need you to check a few things for me but I've let the paramedics know and they're on their way but you'll need to stay on the line with me until they get there okay?"

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