Chapter 2: Baby Salvatore

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Elena's POV

It's been 3 weeks since I found out I was pregnant and Damon asked me to marry him, and already Caroline is nonstop, making invitations for the wedding and registering us at different stores for the baby shower which won't be for a while now. Two weeks ago Damon and I told everyone that we had something important to tell them and to meet us at the Mystic Grill, Matt, Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy, Alaric and Jo(who or course, already knew) even Stefan had showed up.

"We didn't think it was even possible... But by some miracle, I'm pregnant." I told them, No one said anything, they just sat there dumbfounded. It was silent until Jeremy stood up, I thought for sure he was going to let Damon have it

"Jer..." I warned him stepping in between them but to my amazement after hugging me and saying quietly in my ear, "I'm so happy for you." Jeremy calmly placed his hand on Damon's shoulder, and seemingly accepting of the situation says four words that I'll never forget not because of how loving they were said but because they were uttered from someone who would've normally done anything in his power to keep Damon away from me. Not a lot of people understand my relationship and my love for Damon, he's made bad decisions and hurt a lot of people but over time he's changed, and I think Jeremy's finally starting to see that. His reaction reassured me that everything I had been afraid of the night I found out about the baby was not an issue anymore(because let's face it, I was terrified.) but in that moment, I knew I could let myself be happy.

Damon's POV

"Take care of them." Jeremy told me before sitting down in between Bonnie and Tyler the grill after Elena and I announced she was pregnant. "I asked Elena to marry me." I said quickly and nervously, silence. Once again the silence was ear piercing. "Well please, don't all of you talk at once." Elena rammed her elbow in my side harder then I had expected her to. I couldn't look at Stefan, so I turned to look at Elena as the silence continued and my brother left the grill. After the shock wore off everyone told us congrats and that was it.

"Well that could've gone better." I told Elena as we walked through the parking lot back to my 1969 chevy camaro convertible.

"Yeah... Should we be worried about Stefan?" She asked sounding concerned, I thought for a minute.

"We shouldn't worry until we absolutely have to, and he can handle himself."

"Oh come on Damon that's not fair." She said clearly not happy with me

"What?" I said knowing I crossed a line but was unsure of how.

"Stefan had his chance with you Elena, he went all ripper killer crazy and ruined it remember?" and that's where I crossed the line.

"Look Damon I understand that at least a part of you is happy that Stefan messed up, I get that you're happy you got what you wanted and that I came back to you instead of him but that doesn't mean you should treat Stefan like this. We both know Stefan turned off his humanity because of Klaus and that he had no choice. Plus, that was a long time ago. So I know that's not why you're avoiding him, this is about the cure." Knowing Elena was right I apologized. Stefan had been working with Klaus to save me, so I didn't have room to complain about his hatred of the situation, Elena and I had grown closer durning Stefan's absence but like she said, the cure was the real issue now.

"He's probably just worried about you" I told her as we got in the car.

"Do you remember our trip to Georgia?" I asked Elena as we were driving down the road. She smiled knowing that I was desperately trying to change the subject. "You mean when you kidnapped me?" I laughed.

"It wasn't kidnapping, Elena I'd saved you after you'd hit another vampire with your car and he'd tried to attack you remember?"

"Yeah yeah" she said sarcastically while punching me lightly on the shoulder. A few minutes later she grabs my forearm,

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