Chapter 9: Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore

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Damon's POV

Enzo(under Matt's supervision) had gone to get Lily from the basement, I know that no one at the wedding was really comfortable with her coming so I had Bonnie put a cloaking spell on her so she wouldn't be able to make a scene but it wouldn't stop her from coming. The only problem was that she could have slipped away without anyone being the wiser. When Elena figured that out we did a quick search in the Bennett witch's grimoire and found that there were more than a few ways we could keep that from happening.

In the end with Mom under a cloaking spell and Bonnie making it so that Matt, Stefan and I were the only ones who could see her we were safe to get married, Stefan was my best man and Caroline(who had made it back just in time from tracking down Tyler) was Elena's maid of honor.

Elena had talked to Jeremy and Alaric about who was going to walk her down the aisle, Jeremy did the honors. As I watched her get closer and closer to me I knew what I wanted to say to her, and I meant every single word.

"Elena Gilbert, when I first saw you I was a confused, angry and spiteful man who didn't care who he hurt to get what he wanted. When I looked at you and imagined my future all I saw was you, and me. I'd never imagined all of this," I said reaching down to gently touch Elena's stomach, "You told me once that even though we we're messy and complicated the love we had for each other was real and that the universe doesn't control anything that happens to us. To be honest at first I didn't believe you, you had once asked me if we could still just be friends and at first I was okay with it but then I told it was to hard, I told you that I didn't want to see you or talk to you..." I stopped as I felt a tear run down my face, Elena saw it and she reached her hand up to whip it away, but I stopped her before she could and just held her hand on my face for a second the continued as more tears come from both of our eyes.

"The man that saw you that night on the road was so afraid of losing you forever he couldn't even attempt to have a normal friendship with you. He was selfish, hateful and conceded. Elena in front of everyone we love I'm promising you right now that I'm going to try my hardest to be the man and father you and our baby deserve. I know I'm guaranteed to screw up more than once... But I swear I will try to avoid getting into trouble unless it truly matters." I winked at her as I heard Stefan's muffled laugher behind me along with the rest of the crowd watching. "With everything in me I love you Elena. For better or for worse."

Elena's POV

"Damon Salvatore, you've given me what I'd always wanted, you loved me no matter what. You showed me that it's okay to embrace who I am and what happens to me, without you I wouldn't been able to do that and get through half the stuff I have. For as long as I live I will be forever be grateful."

"You've shown me that even though sometimes it seems like we're bad for each other we're really just doing bad things for each other because we'd rather risk trouble then risk each other. Thank you for reminding me that you can still live a life when it feels impossible. I promise to love you and all of your flaws and to help you learn from your mistakes like I hope you'll help me learn from mine."

"The three of us. We'll survive this, and I'll love you," I paused, placing his hand on my stomach where it was earlier "both of you. Till death do us part."

Then slowly, slowly he kissed me, and it was just the two of us.

Damon's POV

I'd kissed Elena many times before but this time, I can't explain it but something about this was different. Like kissing her after promising... no, committing myself to her meant that finally what I'd been afraid of for so long didn't matter anymore. She's my wife, I'm her husband and she having our baby.

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