Chapter 6: Malachi Parker

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Damon's POV

Ever since Elena had died and then eventually turned again I couldn't help thinking about how messed up the whole situation was, but the thing that worried me was that things had been pretty calm since then.

I hope I haven't just jinxed everything, because, let's face it... With my luck, that's exactly what I did.

4 months earlier...

I'd watched Elena's heart stop as she flatlined that night at the hospital after Kai crashed the wedding. He'd been coming after Jo and her twins. Jo had to have a few surgeries(along with quite a bit of vampire blood) to repair internal damage. It had been touch and go for awhile but she'd made it. Unfortunately the twins weren't so lucky. Tyler had triggered his werewolf curse again and was running wild when he'd run into Alaric and Kai, according to Rick was trying to get Jo to the hospital but Kai was being his psychopathic self and wasn't letting him go. Tyler attacked and bit Kai, my mother had also been involved, she had apparently gotten Kai's help to bring back the blood consuming witches she calls family from that stupid prison world. After giving Elena my blood and trying to convince Matt to let Elena feed on him a little for the transition I headed back to the church to do damage control. Enzo had gotten Caroline and Stefan out and they'd headed to the hospital to be with Elena, Kai's family was gone, he'd killed them when he'd linked the babies lives to everyone else in the coven, except for Jo. We still haven't figured out what's on his agenda for his twin but I have a feeling it's not a trip to the spa.

I ran into the church right as Kai was chanting a spell which brought Bonnie to her knees,

"Oh hey there Damon, how's it going?" Kai asked smirking at me.

"What have you done?" I ask as I ran over to Bonnie who was passed out on the ground.

"Well I've been busy, you're going to have to be more specific."

It took me about a millisecond to speed across the room and wrap my hand around his throat. "Why is Jo still alive." "Wow Damon, I didn't know you hated her so much," he said laughing.

"What did my sissy ever to do you?" I began to squeeze his neck just enough,

"What are you up to?!" I yelled shoving him backward into a wall.

"You're smart Damon, you figure it out." Kai said as he got up staggering passed me and vamping out of the room. I flashed after him only making it to the door,

"Damon?" I heard Bonnie's pain filled voice behind me."What happened? Where's Kai?" I looked at her puzzled and fuming, "He's gone Bonnie." I told her helping her to her feet.

"He got away."

Elena's POV

"He whooshed. He whooshed and I didn't..." Damon flung the stool across the room. Bonnie, Damon, Matt and I we in my tiny hospital room, Caroline and Stefan had been by earlier but they left when I convinced them I was okay.

"Hey, Damon listen, what exactly happened?" I asked. His face turned soft again and he breathing slowed.

"I went looking for Kai and found him with Bonnie at the church." He turned to look at Bonnie, "He'd been doing some kind of spell." The room was silent for a minute. Bonnie hadn't said a word since she'd gotten back here with Damon half an hour ago.

"This is all my fault." She said breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" Matt asked, speaking up.

"She left Kai in the 1903 prison world." Damon answered him after Bonnie had gone silent again.

"I'd rather him have been there then here Damon." I told him, beginning to wonder where he was going with this.

"Me to Elena, but think about it. Kai had been trying to convince us he was trying to change. But when Bonnie left him he'd stopped trying. On top of that he met my mother's so called family.

"Damon I don't understand why you're so sure all of a sudden that Kai's changed." Bonnie said snapping at him.

"He hasn't changed Bonnie," he snapped back, "he's back to the way he was when we first saw him at that stupid supermarket because you couldn't get over what he did to you and bring him back with us."

"Are you serious? Damon, you know what he did to me!"

"Yeah, I do know what he did, but Bonnie you know he was unhinged, he had a moment.

"What if it were you? What makes you so sure you won't have another one of these moments huh?" She said, her voice getting louder with every other work. "Think about it... I know it hasn't happened in a while but there will come a day when someone pisses you off and yet again you snap and or rip their neck wide open!"

Matt was sitting quietly now, not wanting to get into it. I wished I'd done the same.

"No offense Bon but he kinda has a point." I said nervously hoping she hadn't heard me.

"Elena?!" The way my name sounded leaving her lips left a my head spinning. "Are you serious? Did you not just hear what I said about Damon being the same way?"

I say nothing as Damon makes eye contact with me. "You okay?" He mouthed checking on me, I nodded.

After Damon gave me his blood, I'd fed(thanks to Matt) and completely transitioned. Damon had gone back to the church, Caroline and Stefan had been here to help me but it wasn't the same as having Damon there.

"Oh okay, I see what happening," Bonnie said noticing our exchange.

"It's like the sire bond, you don't want to disagree with him. Do you do it just to make him happy? You'll have to remind me I forget how that works."

"Bonnie! Why would you think that?" I scolded as I looked to Damon whose face was full of confusion. "What are you saying?"

Bonnie stood up from the chair she'd been sitting in, "I'm saying that when Elena was sired to you she always agreed with you, about everything no matter how crazy you sound and it's happening again."

"I'm gonna go..." Matt said suddenly making us all stop.

"I'm sorry Matt I'll call you later." I told him as he walked toward the door.

"Yeah, see ya Elena." he said smiling at me slightly and leaving the room.

"I gotta go to." Bonnie said following Matt.

"Where are you going?" I asked her worriedly.

"I'm going to go look for Kai. He's out there somewhere. And I'm not stopping until he's dead."

She left Damon and I alone not really knowing what to say.

"I really hope she's wrong." He said after a minute.

"I'm not sired to you Damon..." I reassured him.

His voice was distant and I could tell he just wanted all this to be a bad dream, I did to "I know you're not."

"So, um... What do you mean he whooshed?" I asked him after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"Didn't Jo say they're called heretics?" He asked, suddenly.

"Vampire witches." I repeated the words as I felt my face grow pale.

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