Chapter 20: Gone

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Elena's POV

"Elena, what are we going to do?" I heard Damon ask me as I slid Hope's diaper bag strap up on my shoulder and waited to shut the car door once Damon had Hope in his arms; her eyes growing heavy. "We're going to get some sleep while we wait for Klaus and Hayley to get here." Damon turned to face me before beginning to sway slowly side to side(he always did this while getting Jonathan to sleep). "What do you think they're up to?" Damon's words were whispered, he covered Hope's ear with his hand as he spoke. "I mean, I'm no expert but I've had my experience with some reality show worthy parental figures, and leaving your toddler on someone doorstep is definitely on the list of terrible parenting." I put my pointer finger to my lips and motioned toward the house. Once inside I sat Hope's diaper bag on the couch and then followed Damon up the stairs. I snuck into the nursery, crossing the room I peeked in on Jonathan who(thankfully) was fast asleep. I processed to open the close door as quietly as I could, cringing at the sound the door made as the wood creaked against the rollers I searched frantically for the pack n play that Stefan had bought for us before carefully closing the doors and heading back toward the master bedroom.


The next morning I was greeted by Hope's bubbly, high pitched laugh from the living room, after wiping the sleep from my eyes I got up. Rounding the corner downstairs I spotted Hayley, she was playing with Hope on the couch. Hayley's hair was long silky and brown, her eyes were slightly darker then Hope's, and her face was bright with joy as she tickling Hope causing her to lean all the way back, recognizing her command Hayley held  the little girl's hands guiding her to flip and land on her feet. When Hayley's hands released hers Hope hands came together fast and excited as she squealed with delight. "Good morning, Love." I jumped spinning around on my heels at the sound of Klaus' voice. Damon appeared as soon as Klaus and I made eye contact. "Sorry... I should've woken you up." Damon was trying to calm a crying Jonathan he gently laid him over his shoulder before lightly rubbing his back. "It's okay... You got him?" I asked making my way to over kissing first Damon then Jonathan on the cheek. "Yeah, I'm good. How'd you sleep?" He asked ignoring the fact that Klaus was now eyeing us. I smirked "Better than I have in two weeks." When hearing Klaus snicker I shot him a glare. "What's so funny?" I questioned firmly, while crossing my arms. "Oh nothing I'm just relishing in the irony of the situation." I didn't want to engage with him but my curiosity got the best of me, "What do you mean?" "Damon came to my home for the same reason you had Caroline call me. You needed my assistance." I couldn't quite figure out where Klaus was going with this; there was something about this tone, something that made me want to trust him. At the same time though I'm talking who had used my blood to create an army so I'm not taking any chances. Damon quickly broke in. "Well technically you aren't the person we needed help from she just needed a ride and someone to change her diapers and Hayley's here. So if you ask me I don't see the irony at all." "Play nice!" Hayley ordered from her place on the couch. Then by my surprise she smiled at me gesturing with her hand for me to come over, so I did. Pasting between Klaus and Damon eye'd Damon and mouthed so Klaus wouldn't hear "Behave."

"Sorry about Damon, sometimes he just doesn't know when to stop." "Trust me, if Klaus didn't think you two needed help he wouldn't be here, and neither would I." "Why are you helping us? Don't get me wrong I am so grateful but I don't get it." "When I found out I was pregnant I knew it was possible but it still felt impossible because it was me. I had been looking for a family or someone to care for but once I knew about her, soon things changed." I heard the mixed emotions in her voice then as she watched her young daughter toddle back to her Hayley continued to tell me how Hope might not be here and how they had to protect her. I had heard this story from Damon after he got back from visiting Klaus in New Orleans but hearing Hayley's side of things really hit home. "One more question, how did you manage to make it here so fast?" I asked realizing there was no way I could drive 13 hours without stopping, much less with a baby. Hayley laughed bringing her hand up to cover her mouth, "Oh you and me both." I shot her a look of confusion to which she replied before winking at me "We stayed in a hotel." That's when we both broke out in a fit of laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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