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Unfolding Some More

She followed behind Azriel as he stormed off, out the doors and into the city. She tried to keep up with his fast pace.

Was he really so angry? She hadn't told them yet, but it wasn't that she was trying to hide it. She hadn't meant for it to be like this. She needed to make amends right now.

"Azriel", she murdered, knowing that he could hear her. But he kept walking. Apparently, he wanted to ignore her now.

"Azriel", she tried again, this time grabbing his arm to turn him around. "Please, just let me explain."

He looked at her and she thought she saw something like hurt flash in his eyes for a second. There and gone. But that couldn't be right. She was sure he was mad at her.

He sighed and grabbed her arm before moving towards the Sidra. He walked at a slower pace now, easier for her to keep up with. They stopped on the bridge and he faced the river.

She took a deep breath, organising her thoughts before speaking.

"Look, I get why you're mad, but trust me, I didn't mean to hide anything from you all. You have all the right to be vexed- "

"I'm not mad at you for anything", he said, exhaling a long sigh. "More like, I'm mad at myself, and Cassian. For not making you feel safe enough to open up. And for not noticing something that was right in front of us all along."

She was surprised by the words she was hearing. She felt as if he was feeling guilty. Not that he let anything show, but for some reason, it was as if she could sometimes sense this otherwise closed-up male's emotions. But this was all wrong. He wasn't the one who should be feeling that way.

"No. Hey!" She implored. "That's not what happened. I trust you with my life" She whispered. He turned to look at her as her voice shook slightly.

"It wasn't intentional. Hiding that part of me from the world. It's just a part of me now. Because we feared the consequences, my father decided that my powers were best kept secret." She paused, taking another breath.

"It's a force of habit now. I was always so scared of showing anyone what I was really capable of that I myself almost forgot of its existence. Never in my life have I ever said it out loud to anyone." She looked up into his eyes.

"I have the gifts of healing and darkness." She spoke up, opening up her palms to let some of that cool darkness curve and flow around her fingers.

"There. That's the first time in all my 86 years that I've said those words to anyone. " She looked down then, "And you're the only other person I've shown this too", she nodded towards her hands, closing her fists and moving them to her side.

"Before you, only my father ever saw it", her voice thickened a little.

While she laid it all out in front of him, Azriel had kept silent. She began to worry as he chose to remain that way for longer. She finally found the courage to look at him again when he inhaled to speak.

"Thank you. For telling me". Az bowed his head slightly to look into her eyes. "From now on, you never have to be scared of being who you truly are", he took hold of her fingers, squeezing them gently. His voice velvet soft. "Never again. If anything, instead of trying to punish you for being different, they should see you and fear getting on your bad side". He smirked, "Heavens know I wouldn't want to be where Daimen was today".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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