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A Part of Something

"You want to train?" Mor was now looking at her as if she'd grown an extra head.

"You're finally free to do anything you've ever wanted to do, and you want to practice your knife skills? "

"Well, I am part Illyrian you know." Mei* tried explaining. "No matter where I am or what I do, my blood will always force upon me the instincts of a warrior. I'm sure you, of all people, would understand exactly what I mean." She finished, looking at Cassian and Azriel, as the former smirks at her while the latter only closes his eyes, nodding once.

"I heard that you've commissioned a City Guard now. If I'm going to stay here, I want to be a part of this place. I'll need a job and I plan on joining."

"Besides, the next time they..." swallowing against the tightness now in her throat, she said, "when they come for me, I want to be ready. I'm not going back there," she went on in a small voice. "Because once they take me, I'm never getting out of their alive"

She watched now as some mouths became thin lines while some hands tight fists.

She heard the anger in Feyre's voice as the spoke from beside her, "Meissa, you're in Velaris now. You're in our home and under our protection. No one can take you anywhere unless we say so."

"As long as you're here girl," Amren spoke, her silver eyes now cold and hard, " no one can lay as much as a finger on you. "

Meissa shook her head once. "And for that, you have all my gratitude," She said in all sincerity.

"But the thing is," something like dread entered her voice now, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. "

"What do you mean? " Mor asked, tightly.

"You know how the War Lords operate. There are... protocols. " Meissa spoke in answer.

"Aside from the functioning of the troops, many camps are only partially answerable to the court about their personal dealings while others are under the complete jurisdiction of the camp leaders."

"That's sadly true. " Rhys voiced, as he indeed sounded displeased with the fact.

"I come from one such camp." Her voice coming out shaky, "Neigen... ", she spoke, then took a deep breath. "Our War Lord, he believes he has a claim on all our lives. Specially,"  her voice breaking on the last word.

She shook her head then, changing her mind about what she was about to say. "The people can never leave for good. Unless – unless they receive a pardon from him, which, needless to say, can only be obtained on his terms. They're impossible. It's impossible. "

The room fell silent for about a minute, incensed with what they'd just discovered.

"This is some bullshit."  Mor hissed, fuming, "who the hell does that bastard think he is. "

Meissa only gave a dejected shrug. "That's why I wish to keep training. When the time comes, I don't think anyone else will be able to interfere. Not without consequences."  She murmured.

"And in any case, " She said, softly squeezing Feyre's fingers, "I already owe you people my life."

Feyre only smiled at her grimly and then looked towards her mate. "We'll find a way out of this." He assured his mate and then looked to Meissa. "We always do. And until then...," he went on, looking to his brothers, both of whom nodded in answer to his unspoken question.

"Until then, we'll teach you all you need to know" Cassian announced, taking a step towards her, hands folding on his chest.

"And see about you joining the Guard once you're ready." Azriel added from where he stood against the wall.

That's when Meissa noticed them for the first time, the shadows that swirled around him and whispered in his ears. But, right now, what they'd just said was more important.

She smiled at the warriors, "when do we begin? " She enquired, her eyes finally starting to get back some of their light.

"Tomorrow." Cassian replied with a devilish grin. She knew then, she'd just willing signed up for trouble.

*Mei-(ssa) --> Mei is pronounced kinda like 'May' (month) 😋

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