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They weren't supposed to leave for another half an hour, but Meissa was already standing at the huge balcony. Looking down at the beautiful city.

"Finally", she breathed out. Finally, she'll go down there. See that wonderland up close. Finally, she'll meet the Captain of the Guard. And he'd decide if she was good enough. Ohh! She couldn't wait.

Her morning training with Cassian had been a struggle to get through today. She had felt so giddy with excitement that she hadn't been able to concentrate.

Cassian kept yelling at her and she couldn't keep the smile off of her face. When she'd been lost in her daydreaming for the 7th time, Cassian had overturned the entire pitcher of water over her head and told her to give him 50 push-ups.

She'd done it. She wanted to be ready for today. But the closer the time to leave came, the more nervous she grew. Not only because today was important for her, but also because of how she was going to get there. Literally.

Azriel was going to fly her down there. Just the thought of him being so close to her sent a little tingle down her body. It's not like she had a crush on the male. She was smart enough to keep her distance. From day one she could tell that he wasn't one to be messed with. He was a closed book who preferred to remain that way.

And yet, there was something. A feeling she couldn't quite put a finger on. She wanted to tell him everything and wanted to know his every detail.
What was wrong with her?

"You look more than ready to leave",  she turned at the sound of the low voice behind her. He looked like he always did. Dressed in his flying leathers, that hugged his perfect body in all the right places. Was this male for real? She had to remember to stop gawking.

"Yes! Just a little nervous."

"Whatever for? " He tilted his head a little to the side and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Just... Whether I'll be good enough", she shrugged, turning around to face the city.

"As long as you don't stand there smiling to yourself and looking stupid like you did in the morning... " Cassian drawled, coming out to where they stood, and stopped as she turned around and shot him a glare. "You'll be fine." He gave her an encouraging smile.

Azriel stepped closer to her, but stopped at a respectful distance. "Shall we head down then? "

She took a deep breath and nodded, stepping into his outstretched arms. He bent slightly to put an arm behind her knees while the other came to wrap around her back. She lightly put her hands on his shoulders as he stretched out his wings, flapping them a couple of times before shooting up.

Her heart was racing in her chest. She was sure Azriel could hear it and she was hoping he was mistaking it for her nervousness.

She looked up at his face and her attention snagged on his lovely, long eyelashes. How could he have such beautiful eyelashes; and the most captivating hazel eyes. And that jaw! His gaze dipped to her, sensing her attention and she forced herself to look away.

"It's so beautiful", she said in a loud voice to avoid the sound of her words being drowned out in the roaring wind around them.

The city was breathtaking. She wondered how many people had ever had the pleasure of being able to look at the view from the skies. Certainly not enough.

"I can never get enough of it", Azriel whispered near her ear and she felt herself arch a bit in his grasp. Who would have imagined that a stone-cold looking spy-master would have a weakness for the view of his city.

Flightless Illyrian ( Azriel ff ) (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now