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The Guard and New Friends

The handsome high-fae, Daimen, extended a hand towards her, smiling gently. Meissa returned his smile, grabbing his hand in a firm shake. Daimen raised his brows.

"So you are stronger than you look." He said, assessing her grip and letting go. "This might be fun. And don't worry, I'll try to go easy on-"

He didn't get to complete whatever it was that he was going to say as they heard Azriel snort from behind her. She turned to look at him only to find him smirking.

"As entertaining as this promises to be, I'm afraid that I'm needed elsewhere." He looked at Meissa, "I'll be back for you later". She just nodded at him.

He began to turn away but stopped. "Good luck", he said, looking at Daimen, who seemed surprised at the words. And so was she.

"Don't you mean to wish her?", Daimen asked, nodding towards Meissa.

A small smile was playing on Az's lips. "She's not the one who's going to need it", he returned, glancing at her once before turning to leave.

Meissa couldn't stop herself from smiling. She could've kissed the spy-master for the confidence and faith he had just shown in her.

"Interesting", she heard someone say behind her and found Joshka looking at Azriel's retreating form with her head tilted to one side. 

                          *   *   *   *   *

She followed behind the siblings as they led her towards the training halls. She was reeling with the idea of how strikingly alike the brother and sister were. The same coppery hair, the same blue-green eyes, golden skin and sharp cheek bones.

The only difference being in the way they were built and Joshka being slightly shorter. Though she was, by no means, short. Meissa was herself considerably tall (5'7"), and Joshka easily had at least 2 inches on her.

"I know you must be wondering why the place looks rather empty", Joshka said, slowing down to walk beside her.

She wasn't wrong, Meissa had been thinking how strange it was that they hadn't crossed paths with a single person so far.

"It's because we're a relatively new organization. Still recruiting." Daimen voiced, glancing back at her.

"After Velaris was attacked, we decided that it wasn't right to sit back and expect the inner circle to take care of everything." He looked back again, smiling. "We wanted to help, and we asked for an audience with the High Lord and Lady, and told them just that."

"It began with just four people." Joshka said, taking charge of the story now, "Daimen and I, and two of our closest friends. Ik-"

"Iktar and Rask. You'll meet them soon" Daimen interjected, grinning at his sister's annoyance.

"As I was saying," She continued, "it was just us at first, but slowly, more joined. Now, the City Guard has a total of 175 members. And as to the lack of people in here, most of them are on duty around the city, while the rest" She motioned ahead to a set of doors they were now approaching, "are in training."

And with that, Daimen opened the double doors and stepped aside to let the two girls pass. Meissa breathed in deep, taking in the large hall that was three times the size of the private training rooms in the House of Wind.

It was magnificent. The entirety of the space made out of stone and supported on tall stone pillars. The whole room being lit by the warm sunlight pouring in through about a dozen large, open windows.

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