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Life tests us to bring better things. Our destinies are entwined, our paths can change. The hardships and good times, they never remain. In the end we just have to pass the test.

These words have given me comfort,in times when I lost hope. Grand wizard Ashrotagh, my mentor, my teacher, my father, he taught me everything I know, and now his words give me comfort. The prophecy revealed many faces, of friends and foes alike. And my world changed.

It's been many years that I roam this land, in search of the true heirs of the prophecy, but alas maybe their time isn't here yet. The burden of this responsibility strains my soul, for the darkness is always there, calling, beckoning, alluring, enchanting. But I have to stay strong, just till I pass on the prophecy.

Elder Woods is my last hope. I have to find the heirs before it's too late. The wheel of time spins, who knows what mischief the fates may create.

My rations are dwindling, and last village I passed was five days ago. Night time approaches fast, need to find a shelter increases. The vicious Bronths, mischievous fae, poisonous red mud, and Lord knows all kind of creatures might make it difficult to sleep, and sleep I must. Journey is long, and destination still unclear.

I see a fire, fire in the woods?

Are there some travellers or some illusion by the fae?

A basic spell will take care of the fae.

Illusinari revalto


So, I have found someone after all.

I make my way towards their camp, taking care not to alert them to my arrival. Just right past that old oak, and I can see.

What is this?!


The girl looks no older than fifteen, and the boy, just a year younger perhaps.

Hmmm...time to announce myself.

I purposely tread heavily, so as not to surprise them. I did see a few arrows and blades. And I am not to keen to treat injuries right now. My own or theirs.

And they stand up, alerted to my presence, and ready for action.

"Greetings, it's good to see some company in these dense woods."

"Who are you?" The girl asked, her stance hostile, her eyes curious. The boy stood ready too, yet his eyes betrayed the same curiosity rather than hostility.

"I am Azlor, a weary traveller. If you will be so kind to let me share your fire."

I replied with a smile. The boy relaxed a bit, but the girl still seemed reluctant.

"Why are you travelling through the woods at this time?"

"I am collecting rare herbs, and Elder Woods has plenty during spring time."

I replied with a smile, but she still wasn't satisfied. She observed me for a while and then invited to join with a small smile.

"You are welcome to our food and fire senõr Azlor".

Ah, finally a warm bed, and hot food. Maybe I can forget about my heavy burden for a while. I place my bags and sit by the fire, warming myself. If only I was back in the tower. But my destiny takes me far from home, in search of those who I haven't found in last seventy years.

I eat a hearty meal, a meat broth with sweet yellow lettuce, and a few sour greens.

I observe the children, they look so young, yet their manner reveals maturity.

Why would be children, and human children no less, be living in such a place?!

Their ivy covered hut, utensils, and familiarity makes it clear that they live here. The reason seems to escape me.

If her scent didn't reveal her to be human, I surely would have thought of some elven blood in her. The bright emerald shade of her eyes, almond shapped with an upward tilt, ebony hair with walnut tones, perhaps  it's the magic of the woods. The boy has the same eyes, except that his are a shade of morning sky, with piercing tones of brightest saphire. His hair is the same ebony but with ivory streaks. I could have easily mistaken them to be of elven descent, but for their scent.

Their movements are precise, like those of a hunter, yet their manner graceful. Perhaps it's the grace of a wolf, proud in their being.

My sharp observations haven't gone unnoticed, and i can feel the intensity of their scrutiny. Perhaps still assessing for the threat I might be.

I smile to myself, as a blade or arrow, no matter the level of their mastery, they are still no match for the Grand wizard of Isrodan.

I finished my meal, and slept.

It was almost dawn when I woke up. My hosts were still asleep. It's time that I should go on my way, for comforts are not for me till the prophecy has been delivered.

I gather my things, making sure not to make a sound, but the girl wakes up. She looks surprised by my intentions of departure before dawn. As it's still dark, but enough for me to be on my way. She smiles and gives me a packet of dried meat for the way. Pleasantries exchanged, I take her hand in gratitude and adieu. I take this as an opportunity to read her. But I come to a blank, as if many impenetrable borders have been set, and her mind can't be seen.

Odd for a human, but perhaps then again, living in the Elder Woods teaches you things that perhaps even the Academy might not excel in.

I would like to know the secret behind, but my task is huge, and time is near. I leave with a smile, and gift of their names.

Esmeralda and Rodan.

Children of the woods.

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