Chapter 9

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We have crossed 250 reads in total! :D

Thank you so much everyone, you all are indeed amazing people for giving a chance to an aspiring author, and believing in this story. Every new read, vote, comment feels like a warm hug. Thank you so much. Special thanks to readers from Greece, Ghana, America, and Pakistan, you guys are the best! <3


 I have started working on a detailed map of our world here. The image is of the whole world. Its a work in progress, but Isrodan has some detailing, including the elder woods.


Azlor's POV

I am trying to open my eyes, but my head feels so heavy. I try again but to no avail. Everything around me seems peaceful. The romance of alluring night and shining day permeating the air. A chirp here, a song there. And right beside me, two people breathing lightly, as if asleep.

Two what?!

Where am I?!

I...left for Elder Woods.....woods...children...Esmeralda...Dragonheir!

I need to wake up, I need to find my bag. That bag...wake should be safe. My eyes, ugh, my head, it feels so groggy. That read must have taken a greater toll than I expected. Well nothing about that read was expected. Ah, finally, my eyes are mine again. Sun isn't up yet, the room seems dark, but room? They must have carried me back to my hut. I hope they brought my bag along. Rodan and Esmeralda are sleeping on my left side. I look at her, ebony hair framing her young face, could she really be?

I shake my head of the endless possibilities my mind procures and try to sit up. But creaking bones and groggy head are definitely not the epitome of health. My useless shuffling wakes Esmeralda, and her emerald gaze is fixed at me. She seems disoriented for a while and then suddenly jumps up, fully awake.

"Senor Azlor you are finally awake! Thanks the lord you are awake"

"Finally? How long was I asleep for?"

"Since the read, yesterday afternoon, you never woke up after it. You were battered and bruised. Bleeding profusely and...well how are you feeling now?"

"I feel fine, though slightly groggy and tired."

"Let me make you tea, Farin said it will help."

Farin, that name seemed familiar, but it surely couldn't be. More people in the woods, this is becoming more intriguing by the minute. Perhaps I should ask outright.

"That might work, thankyou dear. Ad if I may, who is Farin?"

"Let me get you some tea, then I will tell you all about it." She replied while jumping up and going out of the hut to prepare the tea. I try to sit upright. The morning light seems brighter now. Rodan is still asleep, enjoying the blissful haven of dreams. I look around, trying to spot my bag, but can't see it. My staff is missing too. I should ask Esmeralda when she comes back with my tea. A sweet scent is already making its way inside and soon Esmeralda appears with a cup of tea. The scent is soothing yet energizing. It fills the hut with its essence. Or perhaps its my groggy mind. She gives me the cup, and I take a sip of the warm soothing tea which surprisingly tastes like fae bush. But how could have she gotten fae bush, fae never let anyone enter their gardens.

"Thankyou Esmeralda, it tastes divine. What is it?"

"I am glad you like it, it's fae bush, great for healing."

"Fae bush? How did you get it?"
"Well that's an interesting story..." She smiles cheekily and then starts telling her story. Her interaction with the fae seems extraordinary. I have interacted with fae in diplomatic situations, but never like this, deep in their territory. I keep on listening till she mentions Heriwald. My heart still for a moment, and then starts beating frantically.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 10, 2015 ⏰

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