Chapter 5

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Destiny works in mysterious ways,  it's destiny, God, divine hierarchy, the set pattern of atoms, some magical mysterious being, or science, we don't know, but we do know that it is, will be, and we are just chess pieces on the grand board.


Sometimes looking for the unknown, we over look the facts of the known. Those truths that are the true pointers to our intended destinations. But the unknown always holds a greater mystery, a greater hold on us. But at times, we close of ourselves to the prospects of the unknown and stick to the known, safe haven of our facts, our thoughts, our histories, our identities, no matter how false it all might be. But we, stick to them. Both things are obstacles that hinder our journey to our true destination. The point of balance is what leads us to success. And this fact had been taught to Azlor in so many different ways that now it was a part of his identity.

Just the right amount of curiosity had always opened doors for him.

He did not get the title of grand wizard of Isrodan through the right of succession. He earned it, for great kingdoms can be great as long as justice is maintained. And he earned his title so he could prove his worth.

People of Isrodan had full faith in is talent, his capabilities, and that's what them fear him too. He could have lead a peaceful life in the capital, but destiny had other plans, and here he is now, in treacherous woods, talking to children of the woods.


Esmeralda was slightly apprehensive as to what a read really means, how can someone read a human. Their mother had taught them to read and write, just the basics though, but she did know what reading was. But never in their lessons had mother ever spoken about reading a human. She didn't how to ask, but curiosity won.

"Senor what exactly do you mean by a read, how can anyone read humans?"

Azlor contemplated the question for a while, trying to find the best possible way to explain it. Esmeralda's fidgeting and impatient inquisitive stare made his answer immediately.

"Reading is exactly what the word implies. We read books, letters, tomes, each have a distinct story to tell, their distinct characteristics, and each and everyone of them has their own value. All creatures big or small have a conscious mind, a presence, or a soul as you may say. Each and everyone has their own inherent properties. All souls were made at the same time by the old great God. There is a place where those souls reside which haven't been born yet. And that's where the souls interact and develop those characteristics. Just like we grow and mature in this world, our soul does that there. And those characteristics of the soul become our very essence, our nature. And that's what I am going to try to read."

"But purpose does a read serve?"

Rodan shared Esmeralda's curiosity, and the questions burned.

"Well sometimes our souls have gifts that our conscious fails to recognize, or perhaps is wary to recognize. And here a read comes to play. Making the conscious mind come to terms with the true potential, embrace it, and achieve what that creature is destined for."

"I guess a few gifts won't hurt, I hope its something bronth resistant and repellant. What wouldn't I give to get rid of those beasts!"

Rodan's exclamation brought a smile to everyone's face.

Azlor tried to explain the process of reading. He just had to hold one hand and place two fingers at the forehead. It might be painful for him, but will be harmless for the children.

Esmeralda being the protective older sister volunteered to go first, just to make sure the read was just like the wizard said.

Esmeralda and Azlor sat on the forest floor. His wand, now a size of a staff, shone for a while then changed into an ordinary looking wooden staff, was  by his side. Its earlier magnificence gone, now just an ordinary wooden staff. Azlor took Esmerald's left hand in his right, and placed the first two fingers of his left hand on her forehead just between her eyes.

Rodan sat their looking at them, waiting for something to happen. But it seemed as both of them in a trance, no one moving a muscle, straights backs, sitting rigidly. If he didn't know better they could have been statues for how still they sat. Even their breathing seemed to be unnoticeable. Had he not be fidgeting, the forest creatures would have definitely come forward to inspect. He looked at the sun, quite a time had passed since Azlor started the read and till now nothing had happened. He started to get worried, for certainly now hours had passed and still they remained in trance. He wanted to go shake them awake, but he was worried what if that messed things up. The worry eating at him, but powerless to do anything. Suddenly Azlor's staff began glowing, slowly increasing in brightness, returning to its earlier diamond brilliance. The glow kept on increasing till it became blinding and Rodan had to shield his eyes. The whole forest bathed in the blinding light, and Azlor screamed, as if in pain. Rodan tried to look at him but the blinding light made it impossible for him to open his eyes, or he might go blind by its sheer intensity. Slowly the light started fading and azlor stopped screaming. He ran to them, and what he saw shook him, fear over took him.

Esmeralda was laying on floor unconscious. She looked fine, but unconscious. Azlor on the other hand looked as if he fought some great battle. His eyes rolled backwards, his nose bleeding, and a tremor in his hands. Rodan tried to wake Esmeralda first, but then turned his attention to Azlor. Wiped the blood and turned him to his side. His body felt cold, he rubbed his hands, trying to warm his up. Suddenly Esmeralda woke up.



Hi guys, how are you?

I have been extremely busy these past months and was unable to update. Now I finally have time, so there will be regular updates! :D

Hope you liked it. Another update coming soon. Any guesses what happened with Esmeralda and Azlor?

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