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Why didn't i save enough to last me a week atleast?!

My laziness really gets me in trouble at times. Not that I was lazy last night,I had to share my last rations with a mysterious traveller. Why was he travelling through the Elder Woods anyway?

He looked too old to be able to protect himself from those pesky Bronths. As if their size wasn't enough to kill, nature gave them claws and poisonous fangs too. Bigger than a horse, more thick skinned than a boar, and equipped with those deadly claws and fangs. May the Lord of time watch over that old traveller. 

And now I have to hunt for breakfast.


Atleast I won't have to look hard for prey, Elder Woods most dense forests in all of Isrodan, and teeming with all kinds of creatures.

What is that noise?

Climbing the elder tree, going high enough to observe. A herd of deer!

My happiness knew no bounds, deer, delicious, and enough to last a week. Time for the kill.

Load, lock, aim, shoot.

My arrows have never failed me before, and today is no exception either. The delicious smell of deer roasting was enough to make my stomach growl. But perhaps not enough to wake up my sloth of a brother, who slept through it all.

"Rodan wakeup"

"Rodan wake up now"

And he still sleeps. Nothing beats a feather tickle in the ear.

"Rodaaan, dan, wake up" while i tickled his ear with a feather.

"Five more minutes Dee" he said itching his ear, brushing away the feather. But I was well prepared with a bucket of water, and threat of no breakfast.

"Dan you better wake up now"

No response.


Time for the wakeup bath.

A sweet smile plastered on my face, and bucket of ice cold water emptied on Rodan's head.

He woke up spluttering, and murder in his eyes.

"Esmeralda,I said five more minutes, what the hell?"

"If you want breakfast, wash the plates by the river, and come by the pit. We have deer today."

The mention of deer was enough to make him smile, and eager to be awake. 

"Seriously was this necessary, I was going to wake up, you could have just said deer, and i would have been up." He replied sheepishly.

"Yes but what was the fun in that?"

I replied with a smirk.

The perks of being an older sister.

While Dan went to the stream, I checked on the deer, it was roasting perfectly, a few more minutes, and it will be enough.

Spring time is always beautiful in Elder Woods, the forest wakes up, animals come out of hibernation, and fae songs can be heard. And the best, Roseberries, pink, juicy, flavour bursting in every bite, from tangy to sweet, a flavour rush in every berry. I wish I had some now, they would go well with deer. Well after breakfast then, summer is almost here, and we need to stock up roseberries. They really come in handy in Bronth attacks. Treat for us, poison for the Bronths. A few berries are enough to kill a fully grown Bronth.

Which reminds me, how is that old man going to fight them off, perhaps we should follow his trail after breakfast.

Rodan brought clean plates, carved the deer and gave a plate to me, and settled with one for himself right beside the fire.

Soon the clearing was filled with sound of eating and drinking, as Rodan can be a loud eater. But I was still thinking about the old man.

He wore a brown robe, his bearded face made it difficult for me to see if I have seen him before. And he carried two bags, that he seemed to be quite protective off. I wonder what was in them, and why he took this route.

We have been living in Elder Woods our whole life, but we have never seen anyone brave the woods for travel alone.

I should follow his trail.

"Dan, are you done? Let's go, I have a feeling our guest from last night is in trouble"

"Why would you think so Dee? He chose to travel the path, he must be well equipped."

"Bronths are native to these woods, he might not know how to fight them off, we have to check"

"Fine, but i was planning on feasting on Roseberries today"

"You can gorge as many as you want, on our way back, now let's go"

I had a queasy feeling, I just didn't feel right. I had to check.

While Rodan cleared the camp, and stored everything, I gathered and prepared our weapons. While archery was my muse, Rodan excelled with the blades. And we would need both, and more if we encountered a Bronth.

I strapped my quiver, my bow while Dan checked his blades. Our weapons in place, we left the clearing in search of the mysterious old man.

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