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Hi,how are you? :)

This is my first attempt at writing a novel. I am a proficient writer as far as articles are concerned. But I have never braved the daunting aspect of writing a novel. Your support means a lot to me. Do read it yourself, and if you like it, ask others too! :)

Let's start our journey into the realm of magic, dragons, and unimaginable possibilities.

Your comments, positive critique is most welcome, desired, and highly appreciated.

I will try to write and post new chapters as soon as possible. Which maybe sometimes thrice in a week, to once a week.

Kindly do not copy anything, this will be my original work, so don't copy,or try to share it as your own. I trust all of you to be mature readers to respect any literary work.

Thankyou again, hope you enjoy the book.

Don't forget to share your comments and positive critique.

Have a nice day! :)

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