Chapter 8

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Esmeralda's sudden exclamation made Rodan gasp. While Azlor still continued to bleed from various injuries, she appeared to be unaffected and unharmed. Turning Azlor's twitching body on its side Rodan went to Esmeralda. Worry and apprehension in his eyes, with a streak of guilt.

"Dee, are you ok, are there any injuries?"

"Injuries? Why would there be injuries, I am fine Dan, albeit a little confused, but I am good"

"Thank God, but Azlor is in pretty bad shape, I don't understand, this was supposed to be some kind of read."

Esmeralda turned to look towards Azlor and his condition sent adrenaline coursing through her blood. Taking on the protector role, she stood up suddenly but the abrupt movement didn't do any favours to her already shocked mind. She was still reeling from the conversation with her mother and needed time to process and try to understand what her mother said. The read had left her feeling tired. She tried to get her bearing before rushing on with the task. Helping Azlor was more important than anything else right now. If he continued to bleed so, there might not be chance of survival. Shaking her head of all other tasks she went to find healing herbs, and sent Rodan back to the hut to bring salve and healilith leaves. Knowing Elder woods like the back of her hand, she knew exactly where to look for the herbs. Having collected the herbs, she went on to find the fae bushes. These were the medicinal herbs used mostly by fae, and being taken care by them, had absorbed some of their healing magic. It was difficult to procure but time called for it and she didn't have any other options. Deep in the fae territory she moved on trying to get to the herbs, the fae were resting for the night and she had better chances to go undetected.  Normally she tried to avoid fae territory as they were tricky, their puzzles and games can make someone promise things that will leave them bereft. Fae though not the creatures of vicious intent, had a mischievous streak. She remembered her mother always telling her about the creatures of the wood, especially the fae. Though friendly but fiercely territorial. Need of the hour had her moving deep into the fae territory praying for a miracle. The paths in the fae territory seemed to be glowing. A violet glow blanketing the moss and the grass. She moved on looking for the telltale bright red flowers of the fae bushes. She spied a bunch up ahead and started moving quickly but carefully so as not to get attention from any fae that might be roaming the forest. The bright red bulbous flowers seemed ripe with nectar oozing and spreading its sweet subtle scent. Just as Esmeralda stepped in front of the bushes the whole area lit up.


Esmeralda was taken aback by the order in the voice and the sudden light. She looked around for the source of sound and found a young man sitting on the tree on her left, only that he seemed only a foot tall, wearing something that resembled the bark of said tree. After getting Esmeralda's attention he leapt down from the tree and came to stand in front of her. A dozen other s followed him, wearing similar clothes. But just as they all came down from the tree, their clothes changed to resemble the mossy green around, and they grew to the size of a normal human being. The one foot man that ordered her to stop before now stood six feet tall with an authoritative demeanor and presence. All of them bore weapons of some kind. The looked like some kind of guards or soldiers. Esmeralda was surprised, confused, excited, afraid, and curious, all at the same time. The onslaught of so many emotions left her dazed, staring at the fae in front of her. She had never interacted with fae before and this interaction intriguing beyond her imagination. Just as she was contemplating this that guy spoke up again,

"You are trespassing in fae territory, state your business."

"I apologize for trespassing but my friend is injured and needs assistance, I came here to get some Fae bush herbs."

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