Day 5: 12/25/2020

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Today's quote:

"Don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life."


Everyday I think my life is bad. Because I have so much stuff going on and so much stuff on my mind it's hard to keep up with. Going to a therapist, doesn't really help me much either. I've had 4 bad experiences in my life.
My great great grandpa died 12 days after my birthday in 2019
My dog, Jack, died 12-2-19
And my grandma just recently passed this May. 5-2-20
So it's been really hard for me. And right now, we're kinda homeless. We've been staying at my grandpas but it isn't the greatest.
But I don't think my life is bad anymore. I just try to think of all the good things that's happened to me so far.
Like, my first time in forever seeing and playing in snow-even having my first white Christmas.
(Picture above)
And being able to stay at my aunts house whenever I need to get away from my grandpas for a bit.
Working at my job,
Even spending time with family.
All of those are the good things that have happened to me so far.
So let this be a message to all, by saying your life isn't bad and it isn't over just yet. Take the little time you have, to make it great.

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