Day 8: 12/28/2020

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Today's quote:

"Be who you are, not who the world wants you to be."


So this quote has a powerful meaning and it goes for everyone.
Do not let other people tell you how to live your life. You be you. Not what everyone else wants you to be.
I have a story for this one. It may be long.
Back in elementary school, maybe 5th or 6th grade, I had one very close best friend. I had a few actually. But her name was Madeline. We've been friends since 3rd grade. We did everything together. And we were lucky enough that we lived on the same street, a few houses down from each other. Crazy, right?
Anyways, I had always looked up to her. No, she wasn't the oldest, I was. I liked everything she did. I wanted to be like her. But I couldn't. It was hard. One day we had this huge argument and ever since then, we stopped talking to each other. Then, once we got into 7th grade, middle school, she never talked to me. And I figured we weren't friends anymore. We're not. I've never tired to get ahold of her and she didn't try to get ahold of me. But it's alright. Because I'm sure she's fine. And I tried to be like her and it didn't work. In the end, I lost her.
So the message I'm trying to get you guys to understand is to Never let someone else think you wanna be like them.
Remember you are your own person and you make your decision yourself.

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