Day 9: 12/29/2020

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Today's quote:

"No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it."


No matter what, keep your head up.
Don't let certain things or certain people bring you down.
If they keep doing it, they may be jealous of you. That's when you let them know that you don't care what he/she/they think.
Then just walk away.
That's all you gotta do.
Take it from me. So many people used to bring me down. Now, I just look them in the face and stick the middle finger up and say "fuck you".
Lol no I don't actually do that. I wish though.
But just remember that y'all.
This song is so good with this quote btw
Listen to it when you start reading.
Or just let it play afterward

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