Day 13: 1/2/2021

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Today's quote:

"Make someone smile every day. But never forget that your someone too."


I was about to take a mental health day again because I have another headache again, but i decided not too.
But this quote has a lot of meaning to it. A lot of, positivity in it, as well.
I'm sure all of you guys make people- your friends, family etc- smile everyday no matter what.
I know I do; I always forget the last part of this quote.
You are someone too. Don't just do it for someone who needs it while you need it too. Do it for both you and that person.
I understand that you try if you say you've tried but it doesn't work. If that happens, I want you to try harder. Try harder to make yourself feel included.
Try harder to make that one person smile if they are having trouble finding that smile and finding that-thing inside them- that they belong. Or they have people who want to help them.

If you guys have any friends that are like this, I want you guys to try and help them. If you can't, contact someone who can. It doesn't matter if they don't want you to do that. If you really care for them, do it.

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