Day 12: 1/1/2021

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We made it guys!
A new year!

Today's quote:
"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."

Happy new year guys! I can't believe that 2020 is already over. I hated 2020.
Thanks to covid, I'm not able to even visit my friends in another state.
And I have to wear the stupid masks. I hate them so much! They fog up my glasses :(

Anyways, I hope 2021 will be the year for all of y'all who are reading this.
And I hope you guys have an awesome day.
If you need anything, just look up my Instagram @mississippi.girl_rae
And just let me know that you read my books on Wattpad
Otherwise, I'll just think you're a random person and accidentally block you lol

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