Part Six

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I find myself sprinting from his office getting lost on the way to the elevator but I can't stop running. When I do find the elevator it takes the whole ride down to catch my breath. I had given up finding him. He seemed more like a figment of my imagination now all these weeks later. But there he sat looking every bit as manly and dominating as he did that night. The elevator opened and I was back to sprinting. I ran to my car parked out front and climbed in in haste. I took off refusing to look back. I had thought at one point I wanted to find him but now it seemed my brain refused to accept the idea he had been right there.

Back at the office I had to collect myself before leaving my car and going inside to face the others. I had already made up my mind to not tell them I saw him. But I was scared they would look at me and know something was wrong. I half prayed they were all at jobs and not in there. I entered the office tentatively, luckily Derick was the only one there. And he was absorbed in finishing some permit paperwork. I went to my desk and pulled out my phone. I sent a quick text to the only person I wanted to tell.

To: Riley

I saw him today. I freaked and ran. I don't think he saw or recognized me.

From: Riley


To: Riley

The guy!!!

From: Riley


To: Riley


From: Riley

WHERE? WHEN? HOW? Is he still as hot as you remember?

To: Riley

I am coming over we will talk then!

"Derick?" I call standing up.

I leave my office for his and he looks up at me calling his name, "Yeah?"

"I'm not feeling well, I was going to head out. Rose is out front and your going to be here for the rest of the day right?" I ask feeling slightly guilty. Rose was new and I didn't want to strand her but right now finding him felt earth shattering. I needed to talk about it to process it.

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