Part Twenty

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"How many languages do you speak?" He asks and all I can do it glare. "What not even your family seemed to really know. Derick seemed the most sure but the others weren't very sure." He shrugs like it was a personal curiosity and he hadnt accused me of being a traitor.

"Eight, English, French, Spanish, German, Latin, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian." I inform him with the disdain never leaving my face.

"Why? You would never need to know that as a diner waitress in the suburbs outside of New York. And if that's the case you could have had better jobs and made more money as a translator." He looked like I was a puzzle he wanted to solve.

I would give him answers only to be able to fly home sooner. "My dad and I loved learning new things. We would each pick a few things to learn on top of my already being in school and his business and we would learn those things together through the year. It was our way of bonding and spending time together. My dad by the way was Tobias Nathanial Dax. HE was raised on a marine base his dad was one. He went into the marines at eighteen. He wanted to re-enlist but before he signed back on he met my mom and she got pregnant with Toby. He stayed home to take care of her and the baby. Mom wasn't very maternal. She was a very selfish creature and he knew she couldn't do it alone. He used the military money to start the family business. I quit the business when he passed I couldn't be there without him and at the time I wanted something simple. I didn't want to have to think or do anything requiring more than physical exhaustion. After dad died I didn't want to do anything that reminded me of him so I push it all out. I havent been to a gym nor used anything I learned with him until I started working with the girls. They are bright and far more capable than anyone gives them credit for but then again it wont mean much here. All you imbeciles will underestimate them and marry them off for alliances clipping their wings and never letting them reach their full potential." I travel back from my memories to the present I feel sad as I know I speak the truth.

"Why did you fight me if your so innocent?" Alex's snarky tone is back.

I just look at him for a long moment. He was either trying to get me to slip up or was stupider than I thought. "I had the same thought as you. I don't know who is after me. Beau calls you then you show up and start using force and refuse to speak to me. Your being violent and dragging me off. I was scared and my fight or flight instinct weighs heavily toward fight. After the pain of you yanking on me I felt the need to protect me and my baby." I look down at my abdomen. Tears come to the surface. I try to blink them away but I can't. "Why did you think I was the bad guy, did you think I pushed myself down the stairs?" I avoid eye contact since the traitorous tears wont go back in my tear ducts.

"Im not saying you're the only one but other incidents have happened that not even you know of or shouldn't and there can be more than one. Who knows how many people are at play right now. But the secrets and the fact that you fight like you've been trained and your government taking an interest in you we couldn't rule out that you were here spying for them. OR that them demanding you come back was a way to extract you. You left with them alone and didn't say much after. The house blew up with any and all information about you right after we left. If you look at it, it could look very suspicious." He was back to treating me like a puzzle.

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