Part Eighteen

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I awoke the next morning at five. Rolling over I searched for the warm body my own had been use to accompanying me. The bed was cold. I sat up and turned on the bedside light looking around the room to find I was the only one occupying it. I couldn't help the frown marring my face. I get up and stomp to the door. Marco and Beau are sitting down on either side of it looking like zombies. Upon my abrupt action they look to me. "I as princess of Salovia order you both to go to your own beds and take the day off."

"We can't," Beau says standing.

"You can, in two weeks I will be Queen. I have the authority to send you home and that is where your going. He never showed up and has some explaining to do. You both can't guard twenty four seven. You will be of no use dead on your feet all day." With those final words I stomp off in the direction of Jordan's office. He had better be there. If not he would be looking for a new wife.

In the considerably cooler hallways I regretted not changing first. I was still in my tiny sleep shorts and tank top. It wasn't much comfort against the coolness of the building. I trail through the hallways getting the occasional look from a staff member scurrying about in these early hours. At his office door I don't bother knocking. Slamming the door open I see Jordan sitting at his desk a paper in his hand. He looks up startled at my entrance, "Hunter, what are you doing." He sets the paper down and stands.

"Wondering where the hell you have been," I say glaring at him but I don't have the heart to fight with him. His eyes are bloodshot and he looks a mess. He seems to have worked the whole night through.

"I'm sorry mi amour, I will come to bed in a minute." He looks down at the papers on his desk distractedly.

"Jordan you will come to bed now, you look a mess and it's a little late to come to bed." I huff.

"I know its late and bedtime, just a moment," he sits skimming the pages on his desk with his eyes and I know he is not listening to me.

I carry myself across the room and sit on his desk right in front of him. "Jordan I have been to bed and woke up already. It is five in the morning. You have been here all night, now you will go to bed and will not come out until you have gotten some proper sleep," I demand and he glances up startled at my words.

"Morning?" He husks.

"Yes I went to bed last night and stayed up half the night waiting for you. I woke and you weren't there so I came in search of you." I tell him nodding. "Now bed." I hop off the desk and pull him up from his chair. I pull him towards the door and down the hall. I know he must be fried because he has not taken notice of my apparel nor has he noticed the lack of guards I sent home. In the room I put him to bed and he is asleep by the time I finish changing and getting myself together.

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