Part Two

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I woke to a ponding in my head and light in my eyes. Stretching my hand hit something beside me. Rolling over I was greeted by a naked chest. My eyes followed the trial of exposed flesh up to a mans face. This man was asleep. My heart stilled. I laid there still and silent. I was trying to take in my surroundings. I was in a hotel room with a strange man. I slowly sat up as not to worsen the beating on the inside of my scull. I remembered his face from last night. But how I ended up in his bed was still confusing. I silently climbed out of the bed fearful of waking him. Upon standing I noticed how sore I was. The throbbing between my legs worsened with every step I took. This was bad. I found my dress and bra and shoes on the floor and quickly slipped them on. I was looking for my panties but had no luck finding them.

He stirred in his sleep and I froze in fear. Riley's word on one night stands played through my head. 'Never stay until they wake up' 'Never ask questions' 'Never have expectations'. This was her field of expertise after all. As for me this was my first and last one night stand. He had kicked the blankets off of himself and exposed his lower body to me. In the light of early morning I couldn't help observe him. He was quite big in every sense of the word. I knew he was over six feet and he was wider and more muscular than most men I had met. His male part also seemed more defined and exaggerated than most.

I had seen a few in person when drunk guys in high school had gotten inappropriate and thought flashing girls at parties would get them laid. They were sorely mistaken and their underwhelming size was then a source of ridicule. There was nothing about this mans man hood that could be ridiculed. It seemed something that you would see in an exaggerated medically enhanced porno. When he rolled over I jumped and flung the dress over my head. I needed to get gone ASAP.

I fled the room and the hall looking for the elevator. Within minutes I was on my way down. The night before and the way down to the lobby was a blur. I couldn't believe I had done something so stupid. I was not the one to make rash decisions and to pull stupid stunts. Further more I didn't find my purse nor my phone in his room. I only hoped I had the sense in my drunken state to leave it with Riley.

Out front I waved down a taxi and gave the guy Riley's condo's address. I couldn't go home like this. The boys would chew me up and spit me out. I was not this kind of girl. I kept repeating that sentence all the way to Riley's. At her condo I took the elevator up and knocked on her door. A startled Taylor opened the door. "Where have you been?" He asked in a stern voice. I pushed past him and ran for Riley's room. Behind me I locked her door. I couldn't face anyone right now but my best friend. I knew if I was grilled I would crack. I was already close to a break down.

Riley was still in her bed sound asleep. I looked at my best friend in adoration. I slipped away to her bathroom and turned on the water. Taking off my clothes I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess. My makeup was a mess after sleeping in it and now that my dress was off and I was wearing no panties I saw blood smeared on the inside of my thighs. The sight made me want to puke. I couldn't tell you how I had ended up still a virgin at nineteen. I stepped into the scalding water of her shower. After thoroughly scrubbing myself raw. I turned off the water and left the bathroom. In her closet I found a change of clothes I left here. We both kept a small bag of each others clothes for emergencies.

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