Rosilla is back babyyyy

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He turned to Vic "give me the morphine or she is dead"

In this moment Villa turned around as fast as she could, and punched him in the stomach, he fell down and dropped the gun. She picked it up and threw it toward Vic that caught it and threw it away. The men stood up quickly and tried to punch her in the face, but she was faster than him, she caught his hands together and hit his head at the aid car doors. He tried to roll them over so he can pin her to the doors, but she wouldn't give up that easily. She punched him across the face breaking his nose, but he managed to hit her as well
"I had enough" she said and kicked him with full strength between his legs. He made a face and fall down, not able to stand up. After a second two police cars stopped near them and handcuffed him.
"What the hell?" asked Ira Hornstock going out of one of the cars.
"You should be in the hospital" she said while rubbing her hand.
"And you shouldn't be fighting a drug addict, come on, you're going to get stitches"
"Wait a second" she said and running to Vic.
"Why i am always the one to be with you when you're going to die, also nice job, he will NEVER have kids" she laughed a little.
"Are you okay?" Villa asked gently rubbing her arm.
"A little shaken up, but thanks to you i am fine" Vic answered "now, you should really go and get your hand stitched, it must hurt"
"You get used to it when u hit idiots all the time" Villa laughed and they went to the hospital together.

When she got done in the hospital, she waited for Vic to show up so they can go back to the station together. She had time to think about her life, how did this happen...she never thought that she will see Rosie or her mother again. And this made her miss her old life in Miami….

"You miss it, right?" 

"Yeah i do" she said to the person that appeared next to her. "Today just made me miss it more….it's like….i can't shake it off, i love firefighting but solving murders is what i am best at"

"I think i can help you" the person said "a spot for a detective was left open yesterday, i need someone for the job and since you're the best i don't see why you can't join" 

"Hornstock, they took my badge away YEARS ago-"

"First, it was in Miami, now we are in Seattle. Second, you didn't deserve that. Come on, nobody would shoot their own brother….you'll do great."

After a 5 minutes of silence Annalise sighed "Fine, i will do it BUT do not tell anyone, i will tell Rosie first and then the others."

"Rosie, huh?" He asked with a smirk.

"Oh stop it, don't become my mother. I just want to tell him first that's it" she said matter of factly and got in the front seat of the aid car. Before she drove off, she popped her head outside 
"Not a word to ANYONE!!!"

Hornstock nodded and she drove away. As she and Vic were driving the short way from the hospital to the station, Lisa's mind was all over the place. A guy tried to kill her today, she confessed her love for Rosie to Travis, she accepted a job as a detective and she was very happy but also very sad, she didn't want to leave all her friends but at least she lives with them so they will see each other. She was sure that she will miss running into burning buildings, but she was in a state where she couldn't even stand watching crime movies without crying over the fact that she lost the only thing that brought her joy. Job saved her after she lost her husband. Well, Rosie too. Rosie. Villa played the morning once again in her head, she ran away from Rosie because she couldn't look him in the eye or she was going to kiss him in front of everyone, she really said to Travis that she loves him and now she was…..scared. Scared that he won't feel the same. Scared that she will mess up like she did with Adrian and Mike. Scared that her feelings will ruin their friendship. But she couldn't help feeling save in his arms. She couldn't help feeling sparkles every time they hug or he touches her arm. 

She haven't felt like that even with Eddie…..was that what it was to be in love? Was Rosie her true love? He couldn't be right? He was just her friend, besides, he didn't say anything when she asked him to say something to make her stay. 

"Are you guys okay, I heard what happened, do you need something?!" Travis and Maya started shooting questions when she and Vic went home.

"Guys….guys….GUYS!!!!.....we're okay, we were lucky, now could you please just leave us alone I just wanna go to sleep" Vic said and Lisa gave her a "thank you so much" look and went straight into her room. She threw herself on the bed and grabbed her headphones, she needed distracting from all the thoughts that were haunting her. What better than throwback to your childhood by listening to Avril Lavigne's first songs? Yes exactly! 

"Gosh Maya you scared me!" Andy gasped when Maya interrupted her little performance in front of the mirror. She turned of the music "what it is?" 
"Your Chocolate man is here, he looks worried, so I'd suggest you talk to him" Maya explained
"Yeah...yeah sure" Andy left her headphones on the bed, grabbing her phone, she took a deep breath and started walking down the stairs.

"You are beautiful" Rosie said looking up at her. She was in baggy sweater and sweatpants, a messy bun on her head but for him she was still beautiful. She blushed and smiled softly while approaching him. "What are you doing here Rosie, it's late" she said quietly. 
"I just wanted to make sure you're okay" he said with a sad smile. Liss looked around and took his hand "Let's go outside, it's more….private" 
After 5 minutes of looking at the grass in the backyard Annalise spoke, even quieter than before 
"I'm fine, really...just- I just wanted to tell you" she sighed, no, she couldn't do it now "I'm so glad that we're friends Rosie" she looked down but soon felt two arms wrapping her in a hug...and there was that feeling again, she was safe, nothing could happen to her while she is in his arms, those damn butterflies that flipped her stomach when he whispered "I'm so glad that I know you" in her ear. That definitely weren't feelings that you feel toward a friend."I have something else to tell you" she said standing up a bit excited. "I talked to Hornstock and" she took a deep breath "there is a place for me in his station and he wants me to take it, to work with you again and other stuff….and i said yes" He immediately shoot her head in her direction. Everything inside of him was telling him that she was joking, but by the look on her face he could tell that it was true.  
"You gotta be kidding me" he said all smiling "Rosilla is back babyyyyyy" he shouted and she laughed "shhhhh the others don't know yet, I wanted to tell you first" "Rosilla is back babyyyyy" he whisper-shouted and rushed to hug her, she laughed and hug him back.He tightened his grip around her and although he knew she wasn't a hugger, he wasn't going to let her go soon.
He took in the scent of her shampoo and tried to remember the best as he can the way she fits in his embrace so well. A few minutes later she looked up and their lips were so close. 
"Dinner's ready" someone shouted from inside and Villa jumped back a bit. "Would you mind staying for dinner, Trav cooks delicious" she said with a slight smile. 
"I'd love to but I promised Pippy to go and see her, she wants to tell me something" 
"It's okay, another time?"
She pulled away with what he thinks was a slight look if disappointment and he watched her go inside, he stayed a bit in her yard to collect his thoughts. He lied, Pippy didn't want him to come over, he wanted to have dinner with her, but just her, as a date. He knew she didn't like a lot of fancy things so he would set a picnic on the beach then they'd take a walk and lay under the starts. He have thought about that, so many times that he had the feeling that they really did it, he watch as she laughed at something Tavis said and spilled a glass of water, then started to laugh harder. She was different from the time when they were in Miami, she have went through so much, but she was still the woman that didn't really pay attention to him when he interrupted her kickbox training and he loved her with all his heart and that wasn't going to change.

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