No sleep😪

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\in Miami\

Pippy and TMI were cleaning the lab as usual in the mornings, when Rosie came all smiling (as usual)  and told them that he needed to speak to them all.

- So mom, Pip, TMI, Michie, as you all know we are opening new lab in Seattle. This morning i went to see captain Hornstock and learned that he earned a job in Seattle as well, as the new captain of the police there and i decided to move there. Before you ask i have a house big enough for all of you untill you find a place. Ira has a place too and he and Daisie are flying tommorow. We have a little more time. So what do you think?

-I am just going to pack my suff - Pippy and Tara said in unison and left.

- I live in my truck so i don't really mind driving it to Seattle - Michie raised shoulders.

- I don't mind, but who's gonna run the lab here, in Miami when we are all going to Seattle?- Mrs. Rosewood asked a little worried.

- Ohhh i have a friend, she is a briliant pathologyst, i an 99 percent sure she will say yes! - Michie suggested.

- How exacly good is she - Rosie asked.

- 11 from 10.

- Ok call her.

-So we are all going to abandon all of this here - Donna asked.

- Look mom, sometimes you just have to move on and that's exacly what i am planning to do.

Oh, little did he know how wrong he waaaas.....

\in Seattle\

As Annalise called Maya, the blonde showed from the kitchen eating a sandwich while listening to music. Lisa looked at her weirdly causing Bishop to choke with her sandwich while laughing.

-What do you need - she said, still chewing.

-I really want to talk, cause my head is about to explode!! - Villa said, throwing herself on the couch, hands on her forehead.

- Ok so you wanna talk about Mr. Chocolate Rosie, huh? I heard that he is opening new lab here, everyone in Greys Sloan talks about it, he is pretty famous - she explained, cause Lis was looking at her like she have read her mind.

- I.......I don't think i am ready to see him...again. Not that i don't want to, it's just- now she was pacing around the room- we had a thing long time ago and you have no idea how hard i had to work to move on from it when i came here.....and i still haven't completely moved on. He was my friend and partner, yes, but there was something else, ever since  the first time i saw him. I am afraid that when i see him again, cause that will happen someday, those feelings will come back with full force and i will be....hurt....again - she said the last sentence quiet and sat on the floor leaning her back on the wall.
Maya didn't know what to do with her friend. She was sad and worried, but happy, but still unsure of her feelings. The blonde texted Vic and Travis to get tequila when they're going home, cause they needed to get drunk.

-Ok....what's going on here - Travis asked, pointing at Villa, who was sitting at the floor looking at the wall.

-Did you buy tequila?! - Maya asked ignoring his question.

-Here - Vic passed her the bottle.

They all sat on the floor drinking shots and talking about nothing until Villa sighed.

- Don't get me wrong i love being a firefighter, it just ain't my thing. I love saving lives, but i miss solving murders

- I get it, i really do, but you're hell of a firefighter and you're really good at your job - Vic stated, trying to cheer her up.

- Thanks, really-

- Ok, ok, i looove talking to you, but some of us - points to Lis and him- have an early 24 hour shift tomorrow - Travis cut her off walking to his bedroom.

-Hehehe i have a day offf - Maya stick her tongue out. Villa returned the gesture and went to her bedroom.

/in Miami/

Rosie was trying to fall asleep, but all he could think about was what would happen if he had the guts to tell her everything that night. He knew that there was something there since the first day he saw her gorgeous smile, but he knew that he loved her, when he saw her with Mike. His blood boiled every time he saw them together.....he didn't like it at all, but he tried to stay as calm as possible when he was around them.
Jealousy wasn't a feeling that you feel toward a person that is just your friend- he knew that. But Annalise isn't just every other person. Her smile could light up the world, her eyes were so beautiful that he was often getting lost in them.

Nope....he wasn't getting any sleep that night, once he started thinking about her, he just couldn't stop.

Hello people, sorry for not updating for so long, but i was....not gonna lie i was lazy. So here we go with another chapter, hope you enjoy it💜
Stay safe and lots of love,

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