When the past is back pt2

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/the next day at 8AM/

Annalise woke up from pain in her leg. It was horrible. Just when she was about to start crying, she saw Rosie entering the room with a coffee in his hand. Then she remembered that he was with her last night and smiled at him, forgetting about the pain.

- Does it hurt?- he said trying to sound as comforting as possible. She just nodded trying to fight back her tears. She wasn't a girl that cried about everything, but God this hurt.

Rosie just sat on the edge of her bed and pulled her in a hug. Villa was quite a lot surprised, but she didn't pulled back, she took from his scent, smiling in his chest.

- Do you have clothes to change? Grey said that you may leave today, but i have to take extra care of you, you can get of bed but be careful not to step on your right foot and you have to stay in bed for at least 2 more days - he have her instructions and waited for an answer.

- No, my clothes are in my, Vic, Maya and Travis's apartment.

- Okay imma go and get you some clothes and shoes, then go to my place to put the biggest part there and tell the ones that doesn't know that you're....well here and then i will bring you something to change, okay?

Villa nodded and before he leave she caught his hand weakly.

- Thanks for doing this for me, Rosie, i don't know how to-

- You don't have to thank me Lis, you'll always be the best person in my life and i would do everything for you - he said surprising even himself by his honesty and leaving Villa blushing from the fact that he called her Lis and said that he is the best person in his life. "He probably didn't mean it like that" she said to herself, but his comment make her smile so big that when Meredith entered the room she thought that he got the wrong one.

- hey, who are you and what you did to Annalise Villa- she said jokingly, that pulled the Latina out of her little Rosie world and looked her with confusion.

- U look unusually happy - the doctor continued.

- Do I? That's weird!

Mer laughed and Villa joined her too, but her ribs hurt and she made herself stop.

- Okay, so i heard that you and that Chocolate man of yours are going home - after that comment Lisa wanted the room to take her under, cause she could not hide her blush.

- We aren't together- she said shyly- he is an old friend of mine, i didn't even know he was in Seattle since yesterday morning.

-Oops, sorry, but you guys seem so cute together, he didn't leave your side for the whole night- Mer said and winked at the firefighter, who just rolled her eyes playfully.

/at Rosie's house/

Rosie entered his house with a big suitcase full with Villa's stuff and a backpack with things that he was going to bring her to the hospital. His mother was in the kitchen, cooking with Daisie, while Pippy and Tara were watching a film.

- Hello son - Donna said- what is this- she asked pointing to the suitcase.

- Yeah i gotta tell you something. PIP, TMI CAN YOU COME FOR A SECOND - he called them too.

- Sure bro, what's up- Pippy asked wrapping her arms around the blonde's torso.

- Y'all remember Annalise....Villa- he asked. When he received 3 nods he continued.

- I saw her in the supermarket yesterday morning and then i found out that she is a firefighter in the Seattle Fire department now, but in the afternoon, she got hurt on a call - he looked at Daisie, who was staring at the floor- she hurt her leg and ribs pretty badly and someone needed to take care of her and since her roommates who are also firefighters have 3 24hour shifts a week i offered her to stay at my house. At first she said no, but her doctor wouldn't let her go home if she was alone, so she is coming today, actually i am going to take her now.

- Ahhhh i can't wait to see my girl - Pippy said excited, she and Lisa were close enough for her to miss her when she left.

- That girl is like my daughter, i really can't wait to see her after all this years - Donna said with a 'Rosewood' smile on her face.

- She apologized that she didn't took our calls it had been pretty hard with the academy and everything and she still feels bad.

- It's ok i understand, so now, come and get her here - Donna said impatiently.

- Yes ma'am- Rosie chuckled.

Pfew, this chapter is long!
Hope you enjoyed it
Stay safe and lots of love,

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