"Chief, we have a problem"🙊

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Rosie was, confused, happy and sad at the same time. She was a firefighter- that was a surprise. Apparently she and Adrian aren't together, which made him....happy. But a woman like Villa doesn't stay single for a long time, so he didn't know if she had someone new or not. But another thing that caught his eye....she was so beautiful. Yes, in nothing fancy but her uniform, she didn't try to look beautiful, it was just natural. However he finished his shopping as fast as he coud and dtove home.
While driving he got stuck in traffic. Ugh, why he always had to be alone with his thoughts when he didn't want to.

But then he started to understand, he saw smoke and bunch of people with turnouts yelling and running in and out of a building. And then he saw a truck with "19" on it and remembered that this was the number of the truck in which Villa got in. He parked his car away from the fire and got out.


Then a woman ran out with a kid, and left it with people to take care of it.

- Chief, we have a problem - he heard the woman yell at a man with a white helmet - Villa is still inside, we found another woman and she stayed to help her, she ordered me to take the kid and go out. The building will collapse soon and she does not have much oxygen left.

Rosie heard that and froze. So she was inside....without oxygen and the building was going to collapse.


Yes, the building collapsed....and she was still inside. Everyone was getting worried and were yelling through they radios to find her and some guy "Montgomery", apparently they were the only ones left inside + the woman Annalise was with.

God let her be alive - he thought and went straight to the person, who had to be the chief.

Love me some gooooood worried Rosie 🙃
Idk why i am writing just short chapters but.....well i just don't know
Stay safe and lots of love,

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