Change in plans

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This morning was pretty much the same. Lisa woke up by the annoying sound of her alarm, ate breakfast with the others, put on her uniform, because they had to do grocery shopping for the station before doing anything else. She, Trav, Maya and Vic drove together in Travis's car to the station, then they, jack, dean and ben, got in the fire trucks and drove to the supermarket.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, bottles of water, meat, quinoa....they bought lots of things.

-Imma go get mushrooms- maya said and walked away.

- I will get me some cereal - she said running to the shelves with cereal, but she bumped in someone.

- Oops i am so sorry-
- she started, but then she lifted her head and she felt like fainting. It wasn't possible was it?!

-Annalise....?- she heard the man saying.

- R-Rosie - she whispered, but he heard her.

/with Rosie/

A small woman bumped into him, while he went to get some more quinoa.

- Oops, i am so sorry-........ this voice.....he couldn't forget it.

-Annalise....?- he was more than shocked, why was she in Seattle.
Her hair was a little bit lighter and she looked somehow....exhausted, but it was her.

- R-Rosie - she lifted her head and looked into his eyes.

And then he saw something, she was wearing a uniform and her hair was on a low ponytail. Then he looked up and saw fire trucks outside of the supermarket. When he looked back at her, she was looking down, playing with her fingers.

- It's been a long time- he said awkwardly. She just nodded.

- I heard that you're opening a lab here....umm....congratulations

Wait! Se have he was more confused.

- Ok 19, change in plans, there is a 5-alarm fire and we should go, leave the carts here, we will be back. - he heard a blonde woman yelling.

- Ummmm, sorry, i gotta go - Villa said and ran away. He watched her get in that truck and couldn't believe it. She is a firefighter?!

Just when he thought that this woman couldn't amaze him more, she prove him wrong.

The chapter that everyone wanted to see, don't worry they're definitely not over. It's short, but......well it's just short, hope you like it🥴
Stay safe and lots of love,

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