See you again

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Daisie and Ira showed up after 10 minutes.

- Why the hell did u call us here- he said slightly mad.

- I NEED A LITTLE HELP HERE - a shout didn't let Rosie explain. Then Rosie and Ira were left mouth open by the view and Daisie was already crying.

Travis was helping Villa walk, she had blood all over her face from the laceration on her forehead. The bottom of her turnout was also covered in blood, this time from her leg. Maya and Vic rushed to take her from Travis, while Jack gave her some fresh oxygen. Dean and Warren took Lisa's turnouts and her gear and left her just in her uniform.

- Look guys i am fine, no need to stress out - Rosie heard her say, but then she passed out.
Travis quickly checked her pulse and shook his head in shock. Rosie was about to cry but got himself together fast enough to help the guys getting her inside the prt.

-Charge to 200!- warren yelled - clear!!!- thanks got they got rythm. After the things calmed down a bit, Warren spoke first

- She isn't fine, at all - he said as he was cutting her trousers, so he could reach the glas in her leg - she have cracked ribs, a HUGE glass in her leg, bloody laceration on her forehead and probably  broken toes.

- And she have lost a lot of blood - Rosie added, trying to hold back his tears. At this point Annalise was starting to wake up.

-Ugh, why haven't u got out the stupid glass yet- she said without opening her eyes, when she did, she saw Rosie and stood there shocked. She then tried to sit up, but winced in pain and then laid back down.

- Mija - Daisie, said as she came closer to the PRT, followed by Ira, who was rubbing her back.

The Latina looked up, shocked. When she looked at her mom, her eyes began to water. The team was confused but they kept treating her.

- M- mom? - when Lisa noticed that she was crying, she gave her an 'i am ok' smile and the elder Latina smiled through her tears.
Then Vic came in, crying....
-You promised not to die and u were practically dead for two minutes- she cried out and pulled Villa in a hug
- Im sorry, Vic- Lis whispered and rubbed her friend's arm. Then she realized that Rosie was there....he have seen her like that....weak and, well hurt and she did not like that. She didn't like people got to see her weakness. But she was glad that he was here. She honestly never thought that she'll see him again, well she was wrong. As she was so zoomed out she didn't hear when Warren warned her that he'll take the glass out. She felt pain, screamed, then saw Rosie taking her hand, but before she could squeeze it, she blacked out.
Another short chapter, heheh, hope u like it because i really don't 😳
Stay safe and lots of love,

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