
16 1 0


Why does this nerd have to ruin my reputation. Everyone at one point has just stared at us every now and then Aizawa would peer above his seat just to make sure we were all still alive then go back to sleep. As usual.

Nothing new happened most people were either asleep or on their phones, deku had woken up and was listening to music i think he is ignoring me but i dont know. i felt my phone buzz in my hand.

shitty hair

dude you keep staring at him. also why are you sitting with him

king explosion murder

shut up idiot its none of your business  

i knew he was my best friend but i gotta keep my reputation up somehow.

shitty hair

you can trust me 

king explosion murder 

alright fine he dragged me next to him but i'm not mad

shitty hair

just a note behind you is Todoroki and he staring at your bae haha

I turned around and he looked away and i swear to god this guy is about to die.

We soon got to our destination and Deku woke up and tried to grab both of our bags but i know for a fact he couldnt lift his own.

(i know this is a short one but bare with me )

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