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Rantaro walked into his home, dropping his small bag that held all his work files on a dresser near the entrance as he locked the door. He had finished his morning shift at work and now had all afternoon to himself, but had absolutely nothing to do.

Rantaro walked into the living room, dropping down onto the sofa as he took out his phone and began scrolling through his many contacts.

Kaito: dude!!! There's a new clothes shop not far from your house!!!!! I bet it has things that you would like- it's not that expensive either! Not like it would matter for you though 😹😹😹

Rantaro: I'll have to check it out

Rantaro: and also stop bragging to ur friends like 'w-wELL GUESS WHAT?! I hAvE A RiCh FrIeNd..!'

Kaito: i cant my dude

Kaito: its like my thing

Rantaro: sure, sure.

Rantaro shut off his phone as he got up, going upstairs to his bedroom to get changed into something else. He was going to look at the outside of said clothes store Kaito told him about, and decide on its appearance whether he would shop there or not.

Rantaro put on a navy shirt that had sleeves to his elbows tucking into denim ripped jeans with grey vans. He grabbed his wallet, slipping it into a bumbag he picked up right after and put on. Rantaro put his phone inside too as he left his house, walking into the more towny-area of the town.

He arrived at the clothes shop, and analysed its front. It didn't look like anything too flashy but it just looked like a knock-off primark in all honesty. Rantaro turned on his heel and started walking away from the shop when he stopped just infront a small cafe two buildings away. He looked through the window, seeing quite a few people inside but it didn't look like they would be any nuisance.

Once Rantaro walked in, he was overwhelmed by the calm and cozy atmosphere the whole place had going. Classical music was quiet in the backround as the aesthetic for the whole place was just wholesome.

There were wooden circular tables with either two or four chairs at each, two booths in the corners with a muted, light green as their colour theme, some bookshelves placed above and around. The smell of coffee and cakes just added to the whole theme the place had going.

Rantaro made his way over to the till, where a blue-haired boy was smiling to a customer walking off to a table. As he came to the counter, he made eye contact with the boy and froze for a good two seconds.

The boy had fluffy, muted navy hair and was wearing light brown dungarees (overalls for Americans 🙄🙄) with a white shirt underneath that was similar to the one Rantaro was wearing himself - only difference in the colour. He had a small pin on his dungarees saying 'Saihara Shuichi'.

"Ah- sorry, please may I have -insert random coffee name idk dude I only drink tea-?" Rantaro asked as he returned normal.

"Sure," The boy said with a smile as he took the money that Rantaro held out.
"You can take a seat at any table that free."

His voice made him even more likeable, it was almost like a girls and was adorable.

Rantaro nodded in reply as he walked off to go sit at a table beside a bookshelf.
He pulled out his phone upon sitting down, attempting to distract himself from the boy but found himself glancing his way every minute or so.

Rantaro had noticed the boy wasn't working alone as there was a overly-fluffy, white haired boy who was working with him. The two off them were definitely fit to work in such a nice place as this as they just fit the aesthetic.

The white-haired boy - who Rantaro saw had the name tag of Idabashi Kiibo - had given Him his coffee, slightly disappointing Rantaro as he wanted Saihara to give him his coffee but he didn't show it.

He drank his coffee, instantly surprised at how good it tasted. Coffee was an acquired taste and Rantaro hadn't always been one for it, but this coffee tasted wonderful to him. Rantaro gladly finished his drink, sitting on his phone a bit as he did so.

A few people his age were also there, a few tables away. There was a blonde haired one that had music hair clips in her hair and a long, blue haired one. Rantaro hadn't realised but there was a red haired one sprawled across both their laps, most likely sleeping.

He could hear their idle conversation that consisted of girly things he didn't really understand, but he definitely heard,
"Hey, the blue-haired cashier is really pretty dont'ya think? I mean he's kinda feminine but that's really cute." From the blonde girl. Rantaro perked his ears up to hear the conversation digress.

"Yeah, he is quite pretty. I think they're both cute though." The longer-haired on said in reply as she stroked the red-haired ones head.

Guess his charm works on everybody. Rantaro though to himself as he put his phone away and got up to leave. He smiled at both worker as he left, making sure he was out of sight of the people at the cafe before he took his phone out and began panic typing to Kaito.

Rantaro: KAITO

Rantaro: KAITO III

Rantaro: Kaito I'm gay for someone who works in a cafe helppppp

Kaito: yooooooo 😳😳😳

Kaito: my dude won't be single forever!!!!!!

Rantaro: shut up and come to the cafe with me next time

Kaito: sure sure sure I need to know if this guy is good for you

Rantaro: and then your gonna end up crushing on him too I swear

Rantaro: half the people in the cafe were talking about how goodlooking he was

Kaito: ooo a charmer

Rantaro: Kaito his hair is FLUFFY

Kaito: ok let me see ur Manz I need him

Pretty Cafe boy - Saimami/AmasaiWhere stories live. Discover now