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This chapter has the same warning as last chapter.

As Rantaro promised, he arrived at the cafe at around 5:55 pm. They entered and Shuichi greeted him, signalling him over. 

"I'll be done in about five minutes, you can sit down at one of the tables over there as you wait." They told Rantaro, him complying and going over to the tables, slouching down in one of the seats. He pulled out his phone and was about to go through social media when he noticed three men still sitting at a table at the other side of the cafe. Rantaro immediately thought that they must be the creeps that Shuichi mentioned earlier, now understanding his fear a lot more. Even if his home was just round the back, no-one could know what would happen in the time it takes him to get there. 

Two of the men got up and started to leave, leaving only one man at the table. Rantaro looked over at him, giving him a rude look before going back to his phone. The man didn't notice it though, it was clear that he was focused on something- no, someone else. 

Shuichi came out of the counter, walking over to where the man was sat.

"Uhm.. excuse me sir but we are closing now. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." He told him.

"Are you going to reject me service? I'd like a flat white please." The man retorted with a smirk. 

"I-I'm sorry sir, but it's past closing time now. We don't have to give you service after work hours." 

"What if I'd want a different type of service?" He asked, lowering his eyes to look Shuichi's body up and down. 

"Hey, it's past closing time. Get out." Rantaro appeared behind the now clearly uncomfortable Shuichi. He had a look on his face that made it seem like he'd kill anyone at the moment. Luckily, it was enough to get the older man to fuck off. He walked out of the cafe in a strop, giving Rantaro a dirty look whilst doing so.

"Thank you..." Shuichi mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"Hey, it's no problem. Creeps like him need to learn to respect others." Rantaro told Shuichi with a smile.

"Hey Shuichi, I'll leave you to close!" Kiibo yelled out, grabbing their car keys and their bag. 

"Alright! See you tomorrow!" Kiibo walked out with a wave, getting into their car and driving off.

"They have a driving license?" Rantaro asked Shuichi as they went behind the counter. 

"Yeah, they're twenty." 

"Woah! Older than Kaito." 

"Kaito's the one you came here with first, right?" Shuichi asked as he grabbed his keys. 


"Also.. what's with the guy you were with today?" 

"He likes being difficult, so I think that's just what he was doing. Well, I hope." The two continued to speak as they walked out of the cafe and around the back of the building. 6pm wasn't an hour it would be dark as it was only summer, so they didn't have a hard time getting to Shuichi's door. 

Pretty Cafe boy - Saimami/AmasaiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ