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Uhm so a slight tw for this chapter, it includes hinted sexual things and unwanted advances of the sort, I've tried to keep it brief but I'm just going off of what my friends have told me of what it's like working in customer service.

Rantaro walked out of his house at 11:30 am, wearing a grey turtleneck and black jeans, a dark green bag messily threw over his arm as he texted a groupchat consisting of Kaito and Kokichi.

Rantaro: wherr are yall atm 

Kokichi: fcking ur mom rn 

Kaito: omfg stfu 

Kokichi: no ;P

Rantaro: omg just tell me if ur on ur way to the cafe or not 

Kaito: im just cominh out of my street rn, i see u

Kokichi: omg kaito!! are you stalking ranran????!!!!

Kaito: stfu salt shaker

Kokichi: wtf salt shaker??dhuuahshwbajzh

Rantaro: oh my god shut up you two

also kokichi wherr are you rn 

Kokichi: are you gonna come to my location and kidnap me?!😰😰

Rantaro: im gonna block you

Kokichi: right behund you lol

Rantaro quickly turned around to be faced with Kokichi jumping onto him and clinging on for dear life. 

"Holy shit- oh my god Kokichi!" He yelped out in surprise, gaining a sneaky giggle from the boy grabbing into him like a sloth. Kokichi jumped off of him, following Rantaro to meet Kaito at the edge of his street.

"What the fuck just happened?" Kaito asked as they all started to walk together.

"Don't even ask." Kokichi said with a devilish grin, clearly stifling laughter. 

"So, who's this cute worker you speak of Taro??" Kokichi asked the taller boy, looking up at him with an evil smile. 

"His name's Shuichi Saihara, and I've already had a date with him so try your best to keep your eyes off of him." Rantaro replied, looking down at Kokichi.

"Awwww, how dare you beat me to it!!!"

"There's another cute worker!! But I'm going on a date with them tonight so keep your eyes off of them too!!!" Kaito announced. 

"So you two are just dragging me along to brag about your love life, huh?" Kokichi asked, acting moody.

"Pretty much." Both Rantaro and Kaito said in unison. 

"Well, it looks like we're here!" The smaller boy yelled, having a quick mood change.. that came as a surprise to no-one. The three entered the cafe, going over to the counter. 

"Heya." Rantaro got the attention of the blue-haired worker behind the counter. 

"Ah, hello Rantaro! What can I get you?" Shuichi replied, clearly familiar with the lad. 

Pretty Cafe boy - Saimami/AmasaiWhere stories live. Discover now