
345 10 42

The phone laying on the bedside table buzzed over and over, the notification's pings sounding over one-another. Rantaro groaned as he grabbed his phone, half-looking at the screen. Still half asleep, he deciphered that Kaito was spamming him with messages on both Instagram and WhatsApp. How he did it on both at the same time was unknowable.

Rantaro swiped up on his phone, lifting his face from his covers to do the Face ID on his phone. They proceeded to WhatsApp, quickly messaging Kaito to shut the fuck up.

Rantaro: stfu

Kaito: OMG


Rantaro: wtf

Kaito: yk my date with Kiibo????

Rantaro: mhm

Kaito: guess what they did

Rantaro: idk? died?

Kaito: no wtf



Rantaro: ?? Go on

Kaito: kissed me😎

Rantaro: ON GHE FIRST DATE??!!

Kaito: YEAH!!!!

Rantaro: you've known them for less than ive known Shuichi wtf

Kaito: they r my lover now lol!! I win!!!

Rantaro: bitch it wasnt a race

Kaito: so? i won

Rantaro: guess I gotta step up my game before kokichi comes and nicks Shuichi

Kaito: yeah about that

I think he has a crush on shuichi

Rantaro: it's high key obvious

he kept staring at them

Kaito: but like he knows that you and shuichi r like dating????

Rantaro: trust kokichi to make things difficult

Kaito: ALSO guess what

Rantaro: what??

Kaito: maki and kaede are coming to town for a week!!!!

Rantaro: i was not prepared to hear that at 9 am

Kaito: lmao

Rantaro: anywayz im gonna message kaede

see ya

Kaito: bye bro!

Rantaro exited WhatsApp, making his way to instagram. It took him a while to find Kaede's messages as they didn't talk to often anymore, but they found it eventually.

Rantaro: Hey Kaede!! Kaito tells me you and Maki are coming to town for a week?

Kaede: correct! We're staying in a motel not too far from where you live I think

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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