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Rantaro woke up refreshed and with a slight smile on his face. He had arranged with Saihara to go round to their house that afternoon, Saihara had requested they paint. Rantaro wasn't any good artist by any means, but spending time with a cute boy was above that so he gladly agreed to go.

They got out of bed and walked into his pretty large wardrobe, looking through a plethora of clothing. Rantaro had a good sense of style, his money allowing him to adventure through different types of fashion whenever they please.

Rantaro picked out a dark, muted green turtle neck and black jeans, a denim jacket just to top it off. After putting their outfit on along with an abnormal amount of jewellery as always, Rantaro went downstairs to make himself some breakfast.

A light breakfast, one you could quickly make and eat within a quarter of an hour, but he had had a large supper the night before so it didn't really affect Rantaro.

Checking the time and realising how late they had woken up that day, Rantaro grabbed a small arm bag and made his way out of their large house.

He opened his phone and looked at the directions Shuichi sent him, deciding that since they lived just above the cafe Rantaro shouldn't need to drive.

And so, Rantaro went around the side of the well-kept cafe upon arrival and went through a door at the back. He went up a staircase and approached a door, most likely Shuichi's.

Rantaro lightly knocked on the door and soon heard the little noise of it being unlocked.

As soon as the door opened Rantaro saw Shuichi. It was wearing a stripy(light green and light orange) shirt with light blue dungarees overtop with long jeans.

Rantaro smiled,
"Hi." He greeted Shuichi with a small wave.

"Hello." Shuichi did the same, closing his eyes as he smiled slightly.

They allowed Rantaro to walk in before closing the door, not locking it. After it closed, a brown and grey no-breedy type cat walked quickly up to Rantaro, rubbing its head on his trousers. Rantaro kneeled down and pet the cat for a few second before getting up and looking over at Shuichi.

"Her names Moss." He said with a smile as he held their arms out for Moss to jump in, who willingly and happily did so.

"Just over here." Shuichi told Rantaro as it started walking toward the corner of the room where two canvases were. There were paints on a small table between the two canvases and a window behind them, shining light toward the two stools, one of which Shuichi sat down in.

Rantaro made his way to the other one, sitting down and getting a paintbrush from the cup of water on the small table. They followed in Shuichi's footsteps, putting paint on his paintbrush and started colouring in the canvas with the pigment.

Rantaro didn't know exactly what he was doing, but he started putting well-pigmented browny-orange at the bottom, as the ground of some sort. They continued to paint the canvas with a messy sunset, occasionally adding different types of colours as accents.

Rantaro wasn't looking at Shuichi's canvas, so he didn't realise that his side profile was becoming painted just beside him.



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