Chapter 16

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I threw the bottle. It landed on the side of Smaug' head. When it hit, it made a blue exploration. It didn't look like it did anything, but I kept throwing more anyway. I looked up to where the mine carts were. Gloin cut the rope, sending the carts full of hard rock on Smaug, knocking him to the ground. He roared in anger. Smaug started moving around like crazy, knocking into almost everything. I saw Thorin pulled down on a chain. It opened a hatch releasing melted gold flowing through the cracks. Thorin came back over to us.

"Lead him to the hall of the kings!" He yelled. As Thorin raced back over to Smaug, I felt Gloin grab my hand.

"Come on lassie, you heard him!" Gloin said pulled me away from the dragon.


"Here!" I shouted. "You witless worm!" I was standing on the shoulder of a statute, holding onto one of the chains.

"You," Smaug hissed, turned towards me.

"I am taking back what you stole." I said. Smaug crept closer to the statue.

"You will take nothing from me, Dwarf." Smaug hissed. "I made low your warriors of old. I unleashed terror in the hearts of men. I am king under the mountain." He was almost right in front of me now.

"This is not your kingdom." I said. "These are dwarf lands. This is dwarf gold. And we will have our revenge." He was right in front of my face. I tightened my grip on the rope.

"Khazâd ai-mênu!" I yelled. I pulled on the rope. I heard Silena and the dwarves pull on the chains behind me, making the rocks come off the statue. As they tumbled towards Smaug, I grabbed a chain that pulled me off the statue.When the rocks were off the statue, it revealed a gold statue of Thror. Smaug stared at it, as if he was sizing it up. That's when the gold of the statue started to melt. It came right on top of Smaug, Smaug crashed to the ground, trying to get away from the melting hot gold. He thrashed around in it, but eventually got covered up. Suddenly, Smaug burst out of it, the gold covering his whole body. He wailed in pain.

"Ah! It burns!" He cried. "I will show you revenge!" Smaug went straight to the wall of the mountain and burst through. I saw him fly through the air, the gold showering off of him.


Smaug burst through the front doors to the mountain, spiraling up into the air, flinging the gold off him. Before my eyes the great dragon soared through the air, toward Laketown. The town that had helped us. Bilbo came running up to me. I looked at him. Our eyes met. I turned and looked back to the sight that lay before us.

"What have we done?" I asked. The rest of the dwarfs came running up behind him. We all stood there and watched the great dragon fly toward the small town. I could feel death coming. And there was no way of stopping it. 

Hey guys! This is the last chapter! For a while I will be taking a break from the Hobbit/LOTR because I have ideas that I think will be better

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Hey guys! This is the last chapter! For a while I will be taking a break from the Hobbit/LOTR because I have ideas that I think will be better. I will post the next book sometime maybe in a month or so, it all depends. I will be focusing more on my other stories, but thank you so much for reading!

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