Chapter 9

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We waited for the guards to pass by. The dwarves kept whispering to each other, even though it wasn't very quiet.

"As soon as we have the weapons we make straight for the mountain," I whispered.

"Go, go, go" Thorin said as soon as the guards were gone. We turned the corner and rushed to where the other dwarves were. The other dwarves formed a staircase on top of each other. Nori went up first. As soon as Nori went through the window, Thorin nodded at me to go. I nodded back. I ran as fast as I could. I jumped on top of the dwarves, heading up the staircase that they were forming. Then I tumbled through the window.

I grabbed as many weapons as I could. I even stuffed a few daggers in my boots. You can never be too prepared, especially when you're about to face a dragon and orcs are hunting you. I saw Thorin handing some to Kili. It looked as though Kili was struggling to hold them up.

"You alright?" Thorin asked Kili.

"I can manage," Kili said. Thorin placed another sword in Kili's arms. Kili walked back over to the stairs. I turned back to get more weapons. And that's when I heard it. The sound of Kili falling down the stairs. The weapons clanged together and against the wooden walls as they fell out of Kili's hands. The dwarves and I turned around. We all stood there silent for a moment. Then we heard voices. Angry mens' voices. I rushed over to Thorin and grabbed a sword. But it was too late. Before I could do anything, I felt the presence of a cold steel blade against my throat. The guards stared at us. I knew we were doomed.

The guards shoved us into the middle of the town square. It reminded me of when the goblins had taken us prisoner. But I knew that this was nothing like that. The snow was falling around us. I looked at Thorin. He looked back at me. The look in his eyes told me that everything was going to be fine. And I had no choice but to believe him. We eventually stopped in front of a giant building. Well, bigger than the others. I knew that this must be where the master lived. The guards circled us. Suddenly the doors to the building swung open.

"What is the meaning of this?" The men shouted angrily. I honestly had to hold in a laugh. He looked ridiculous. He had long orange hair and was a bit fat. And he had makeup on his face. The man behind him wasn't as bad, but I didn't really like him either. He was dressed in black, and reminded me of a snake.

"We caught 'em stealing weapons, sire." One of the guards said.

"Enemies of the state hm," The man said. I looked around and noticed that a crowd had started to come and watch us.

"Nothing but a bunch of mercenaries as there ever us sire," The snake looking man said.

"Hold your tongue," Dwalin said. He stepped forward. "You do not know to whom you speak. These are no common criminals. This is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror. And SIlena Greenleaf, daughter of the great elvenking Thranduil, and The Rider In Black." The people began to talk to each other. Thorin stepped forward, whereas I did not. I wasn't the best when it came to crowds when I wasn't bounty hunting.

"We are the dwarves of Erebor, and Silena of the Woodland realm." Thorin said stepping forward. "We have come to reclaim Erebor." The master looked around in a panic as the people began to talk to each other louder.

"I remember this town in the great days of old," Thorin continued. "Fleets of boats lay at harbor. Filled with silks and fine gems. This was no forsaken town on a lake. This was the center of all trade in the North. I will see those days return. I will relight the great forges of the dwarves and send wealth riches flowing once more! From the halls of Erebor!" At that point the crowd went wild with cheers. Thorin looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Thorin turned back to the master.

"Death!" A voice said from behind us. We all turned around to look. Bard was making his way through the crowd and guards to come over to us.

"That is what you will bring upon us." He said. "Dragon fire and ruin. If you awaken that beast, it will destroy us all."

"You can listen to this nay-sayer, but I promise you this," Thorin said. "If we succeed, all will share in the wealth of the mountain." The crowd started cheering once more.

"You will have enough gold to rebuild Esgaroth ten time over!" Thorin exclaimed.

"All of you, listen to me." Bard said again, but louder getting into the center of the circle. "You must listen. Have you forgotten what happened to Dale? Have you forgotten those who died in the fire storm? And for what purpose? The blind ambition of a mountain king. So driven by greed, that he could not see beyond his own desire!" The crowd started shouting again. I looked down to the ground. So far, this was not going well.

"No, no." The master said. "We must not, any of us, too quick to lay blame. Let us not forget that it was Giddeon, Lord of Dale, your ancestor..." He pointed at Bard. "That failed to kill the beast, hm?" The crowd began to shout once more.

"It's true sire," The snake-like man said. "We all know that story. Arrow after arrow he shot. Each one, missing it's mark." The crowd started talking once more. Bard walked up to Thorin.

"You have no right," he said. "No right to enter that mountain."

"I have the only right." Thorin said back. The crowd got quiet once more. Thorin turned and looked at me. He nodded and motioned me to come up. I walked slowly towards them. I could feel the stares of the people burning at my elvish ears. I walked up to the master.

"I, Silena Greenleaf, speak to the master of the men of the lake." I said. "Will you see the prophecy fulfilled?"

"Will you share in the great wealth of our people?" Thorin said walking up behind me. The master stared and looked at us. It was a burning silence.

"What say you?" I said.

"I say unto you," The master said. "Welcome! Welcome!" The crowd erupted in cheers. I sighed in a happy relief. I looked over at Thorin. He smiled back. We had done it. We were one step closer to reclaiming Erebor. We turned around to face the crowd. I felt Thorin grab my hand. He lifted our hands up in the air. An alliance. The first ever alliance between elves and dwarves. It was probably the happiest moment in my life.

 It was probably the happiest moment in my life

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