Chapter 2

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We walked along the path for what seemed like hours. I was about in the middle of the line, my feet echoing along the stone path. I kept looking around anxiously, afraid that something might come out of the shadows. As we walked further in the trees became more dense and everything was getting darker. The trees twisted up, blocking the sun and sky. My head had begun to hurt. At first it was just a small pound in the back of my head, but it soon became worse. And it was getting harder to breath. There was no way to get fresh air.

"I need air!" Bofur complained.

"My head," Oin said, "It's swimming. What's happening?" Suddenly, Thorin stopped walking in front of me.

"Keep going," He said to the dwarves in the front. He walked out of line to Nori, who was in the front. "Nori, why have we stopped."

"The path," He stammered. "It's disappeared."

"What's going on up there?" Dwalin asked from the back.

"We've lost the path," I said, slightly annoyed. Great. They only had one job. Stay on the path. And they managed to mess that up. Ha, I should have been the one leading them.

"Find it," Thorin said. "All of you, look!"

We searched, and searched. Walking more and more until my legs hurt. I could barely hear anything, it felt like my head was underwater from lack of air. This was not the forest that I remembered. Suddenly, Ori stopped walking. He bent down and picked something up.

"Look," he said. It was a dwarvish pouch.

"That's a racel pouch," Dori said, taking the pouch from Ori. "There are dwarves in these woods."

"Dwarves from the blue mountains no less," Bofur said, taking the pouch from him. "This is exactly the same as mine." I turned to them.

"That's because it is your's," I said angrily.

"Do you understand?" Bilbo said from behind me. "We're going around in circles! We're lost."

"We're not lost," Thorin said. "We're heading east."

"But which way is east?" I said. "We've lost the sun." The dwarves started arguing amongst themselves. I turned to Bilbo. He was looking up. I followed his gaze. Through the intertwined branches of the trees, I saw a light.

"The sun," Bilbo said quietly so that only I could hear. "We have to find the sun." Bilbo and I looked at each other, both sharing the same thought. We were the only ones that had seen the small blink of sunlight through the trees.

"We have to get up there," he said to me. I nodded. The trees had vines wrapping around them and spider webs on them, making them easier to climb. I slowly walked forward and put my hand on the sticky branch, then pulled myself up. Bilbo did the same.

Bilbo and I climbed higher and higher. It seemed like it would never end. But finally, the top of my head broke through the leaves at the top. A second later Bilbo's head appeared beside mine. I breathed in the fresh air. The second I did that my head felt so much better. There were blue butterflies circling the tops of the trees. Bilbo gave a small laugh of happiness. The leaves were like a golden orange color. Beautiful. There were mountains all around and a lake beyond.

"I can see a lake, and a river!" Bilbo shouted so that the dwarves could hear him. That's when I noticed something peeking up higher into the clouds.

"The lonely mountain!" I said happily. "We're almost there!" We waited for a second to hear the dwarves' replies. But none came.

"Can you hear us?" Bilbo shouted a bit louder looking down back into the trees. "I know which way to go." Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking twigs somewhere in front of us.

"Hello?" Bilbo looked down, assuming that the noise was made by the dwarves. But that's when I saw it. Something was coming towards us through the trees. I could not see what it was exactly, but the branches of the trees snapped and moved as it came closer.

"Hello?" Bilbo said, confused. He had noticed it too. Bilbo and I went back down underneath the leaves to see what it was. Bilbo accidentally took a step forward, tripped over a piece of webbing. Before my eyes, he fell downwards.

"Bilbo!" I shouted. I gripped onto the branch, trying to hold on. I slowly lowered one foot down after the other. Suddenly, I heard a shout from below me. It sounded like Bilbo! I turned around so fast that I lost my grip on the branch. Next thing I knew I was tumbling down to the ground. I felt a sharp pain on my forehead, then black.

I felt my body fall against something. There was something wrapped around my body. It felt sticky. I slowly opened my eyes. Something white was on me. I slowly moved my arms to get whatever it was off. I soon realized it was webbing. Spiders. That's what Bilbo and I had seen. I started ripping the webbing off. I looked around and saw the other dwarves doing the same. Suddenly I felt someone helping me take the webbing off. I looked up. It was Thorin.

"Silena are you ok?" he asked cautiously.

"Yeah, I'm ok." I said as he helped me up. His eyes looked over me, making sure I was ok. Then his eyes landed on my forehead.

"Silena you're bleeding," he said. I reached up and touched the tips of my fingers to my head. When I brought them back down there was blood on them.

"I'm fine." I said quietly. The other dwarves started getting up beside us. They were shouting confused. I then noticed that Bilbo wasn't among them.

"Bilbo, where's Bilbo?" I shouted.

"I'm up here!" A voice shouted from above me. I looked up and saw him, but the moment I did, a spider came right at him knocking him over. But he had his sword so I knew he was ok. And right on que, I heard a piercing hiss of a spider. I felt Thorin grab my hand.

"Silena, come on!" He said. He led me along with the dwarves through the forest. Suddenly the spiders came. I grabbed my sword and Thorin grabbed his. As the spiders came, we cut them apart and I shot a few with some arrows that hadn't fallen out of my quiver. But they just kept coming. Eventually I ran out of arrows. In anger, I threw down my quiver and bow. They were no use to me now. Swing after swing after swing. We kept running though. Suddenly a spider landed right in front of Thorin. But as soon as it did, it screeched. I looked at its back. There was an arrow. A silver arrow. My heart beat quicken. Legolas had those arrows. I turned to Thorin.

"I'm going to find Bilbo," I said quickly. Before he could say anything. I raced in the opposite direction. I climbed high up into a tree and watched the dwarves from below. Why I did this, I still do not know. I felt protective of the dwarves, but did not want to risk seeing my brother. But that's when I saw him. He jumped down from a branch, onto a spider killing it with an arrow. He brought out his blade and killed a few other spiders. He slid on the ground and landed in front of Thorin. He pulled out an arrow and held it in front of Thorin. 


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