Chapter 4

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I held my father closely. I could feel tears coming. But I held them back. I couldn't believe what had just happened. The first part of my plan had worked, but not exactly the second part. For better or worse. I was still deciding if it was good or bad. My father hadn't changed at all. He still had the same long straight blondish white hair. I buried my head in his chest, smelling the familiar scent of pine. I had missed him so much. If Thorin hadn't said anything, I would have forgotten he was there.

"'re his daughter?" I let go of my father and looked at Thorin. His face showed betrayal.

"Thorin..." I started. But my father cut me off with a wave of his hands. The guards grabbed his arms tightly.

"Stay in the prison and rot," He said as Thorin was being taken away. "A hundred years is a mere blink of an eye in the life of an elf." Once Thorin was out of sight I turned to my father.

"Why did you do that?" I asked. He looked at me and sighed.

"Someday you will understand," he said. He smiled at me. But I just looked at him with hurt.

"He did nothing wrong. None of them did," I said. He just looked at me.

"Why don't you go find Legolas," He said, changing the subject. "He's missed you so much." I couldn't believe my father had just said that. It was like nothing mattered. I looked at him. Then turned around and walked down the hall. A plan had started forming in my mind. I would finish the quest. Even if it would grant me as an exile.


The elf threw me in the dungeon.

"He'd offer you a deal?" Balin said to me from the cell over.

"He did," I said angrily. "I told him he could ishcal cay un dol nu. Him and all his kin."

"And what about Silena?" he asked. "Did you say the same to her?"

"What?" I asked him, confused. "How did you know?"

"After the first orc attack, when the eagles came, she told me." he said.

"Wait what about Silena?" Dwalin asked from somewhere on one side.

"She's Thranduil's daughter!" I shouted angrily. There was angry yelling from the dwarves. Balin sighed.

"So did you refuse the offer because of Silena?" he asked.

"No," I said. "I would have refused it anyway."

"Well," he said. "A deal was are only hope." Then I thought of Bilbo. He was still out there somewhere.

"Not our only hope," I whispered.


"I know you're there," I said. "Why do you linger in the shadows?"

"I was coming to report to you," said Taureil, walking down the steps.

"I thought I ordered that nest to be destroyed, not 2 minutes past," I said.

"We cleared the forest as ordered, my Lord," she said. "But more spiders keep coming up from the south. They are spanning in the ruins of Dol Guldur, if we could kill them at their source..."

"That fortress lies beyond our border." I said cutting her off. "Keep our lands clear of those foul creatures, that is your task."

"And when we drive them off," she said. "What then? Will they not spread to other lands?"

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