Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The Murder Plot

The next day Eric went to see King Charles. "Come on in," King Charles request. "How much do you want to leave my daughter?" King Charles offers. "I do not want your money!" Eric replied angrily. "Last chance to take my offer!" King Charles warns Eric. "I love Princess Helen and I do not want your money!" Eric replied angrily. "Guards, this man tries to kill me! I want you to take him away!" King Charles order. "I did not try to kill you. You are lying!" Eric yells. King Charles knows now that his daughter will have to marry Princess Nicholas.

Later, Princess Helen went to visit Eric in jail. "Why did you try to kill my father?!" Princess Helen asks angrily. "I did not try to kill your father!" Eric replied angrily. Princess Helen walks away. Eric could not believe Princess Helen would think he tries to hurt her father. Eric's mother, sister, and Jenny came to visit. "What is going on?" Rose asks. "King Charles had me arrested for attempted murder, but I did not try to kill King Charles. King Charles is lying so Princess Helen will not marry me," Eric replied.

Rose was angry. Rose went to see King Edward. "Edward, I need your help," Rose pleaded. "What is going on?" Edward asks. "Your son is in trouble. King Charles is falsely accusing our son of trying to kill him, but he is innocent. King Charles does not want his daughter Princess Helen to marry our son," Rose explained. King Edward became angry. "I will get our son out of that prison," King Edward ensures Rose. King Edward got his lawyer. The lawyer went to the judge and he told the judge that Eric was being falsely accused. The judge agrees and he lets Eric go.

Eric got out of prison, but he was angry. Eric was also heartbroken that Princess Helen would think he would try to kill her father. Eric loves Princess Helen and he would never hurt her like that. Jenny walks into Eric's room. "You do have three more wishes," Jenny reminds Eric. "What would I wish for. Princess Helen thinks I am a monster and she does not want anything to do with me!" Eric replied angrily. Eric wanted to get out of town far away from King Charles. Eric wanted to move.

Months later, Eric moves to New York with his family and Jenny went with them. Eric and Jenny have spent a lot of time together. Jenny was already in love with Eric when she first saw him. Eric starts to like Jenny a lot. Jenny has been there for Eric when he really needs someone. Jenny believes he was innocent. Eric never wants to see Princess Helen again. He feels bad for Princess Helen and he was not angry with her. He did understand she has to believed her father's word over his. King Charles was an evil man and Eric did not want King Charles to hurt his family.

Princess Helen could not believe that Eric tries to kill her father. Princess Helen trust Eric. Princess Helen was heartbroken. Princess Helen agrees to marry Prince Nicholas. King Charles was happy. Prince Nicholas wanted to get married right away. Princess Helen got her wedding dress. King Charles got the castle ready for the wedding. King Edward heard that Princess Helen was marrying Prince Nicholas. King Edward became angry because Princess Helen agrees to marry his son. Princess Helen broke her word. Eric told his father he did not care to marry Princess Helen.

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