Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: A Hard Challenge

Eric Randall was a hard-working man. Eric's mother was sick and she could not work. Eric has to come home to take care of his mother and sister. His sister's name was Molly. She also had a part-time job helping out around the house. Molly also went to college. Eric wishes he could give his family more, but he does not make that much in his job. He tries to get a better job, but he could not find one. Eric's father left the family when Eric was ten years old. Eric did not hate his father, but he wishes his father would have helped their mother.

Eric's boss was a jerk. Eric's boss's name was Jerry Hanks. Jerry would work his employees really hard, but not pay them enough. Eric has not quit because he needed the money. Eric works as a delivery guy. Some of the customers were rude to Eric when he delivers their things. Eric does not say anything to rude customers. Eric would be happy when he can find a better job. Eric has been taking college courses online. Eric was trying to get his law degree so he can get a better job.

Eric went home after work. His mother Rose was cooking. "Mom, you should be resting. I could help with the cooking," Molly told Rose. "I am fine. I hate just sitting around and doing nothing," Rose replied. "Ok, but I will wash the dishes" Molly replied. "How was work you two?" Rose asks. "It was ok," Eric answers. "My day was great. I got a lot of tips doing hair today so I was able to get things we need at the store," Molly answers. Later they ate dinner. Eric went to do some homework and he went to bed.

The next day Eric saw that the town was getting ready for an important person's visit. Eric knew that Prince Nicholas was coming to ask for Princess Helen's hand. Eric never met the princess. Eric delivered a lot of packages to the castle. The king will not let anyone see the princess. Eric did not care for the princess. Eric thought the princess probably was a spoiled brat. Later, after work, Eric went to visit his best friend Daniel. Daniel's sister Bobby was there. "Have you heard?" Bobby asks Daniel and Eric. "Heard what you pain?!" Daniel asks angrily.

"Loki is in town," Bobby answers. "So, do you think we care!" Daniel replied angrily. Bobby storms off. "My sister can be a pain in the butt. I think she like you Eric," Daniel replied. Eric changes the subject quickly. "How are things going about getting your business license?" Eric asks. "It is going well. I am hiring so if you want a job you got one," Daniel offers. "Thank you," Eric was grateful. Eric went home and he told Rose and Molly that Daniel offers him a job in his repair shop. Eric did have his mechanic license.

The next day Eric was going to work. Eric saw a woman begging for money and saw Prince Nicholas walking by. The woman asks Prince Nicholas for some money. "GET A JOB!" Prince Nicholas replied. "You are rude. It is not going to kill you to give $20.00 to this lady," Eric replied. "Why don't you mind your own business?!" Prince Nicholas asks angrily and he storms off. "Ma'am, I am sorry for that man's rudeness. Here is $20.00 and I am sorry I cannot give more," Eric replied. "Do not worry. You are a good man and your generosity will be awarded," the woman replied. The woman was Sabrina. "That is the man that can save Princess Jenny," Sabrina replied.

The Heart of Many WishesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora